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السلام عليكم امتحاني كان اليوم ١٢/١٢ السيكشن الأول حلو من ت | 🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹

السلام عليكم امتحاني كان اليوم ١٢/١٢
السيكشن الأول حلو من تجميعات ميس ايمان و اجاني أسئلة من تجميعات أستاذ سعيد و كان اغلبه maternity و pediatric

السيكش الثاني صعب أسئلة الكومينتي والليدر مرره صعبة و أسئلة عن الكسر oppen

اجتني صورةmask N95

الرسم البياني حق gestationel age

سؤال عن تطعيم tetanus طريقه الحقن
وكمان اسم التطعيم اللي نعطيه في الحج

صوره ECG ( VF)

وفيه اسئله كثير جراحة

هذا اللي تذكرته دعواتكم لي بنجاح

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

The nurse is caring for a patient who has abdominal pain
constipation last three days. The nurse teaches the patient
about themost likely ative-producing foods. What are the foods
that are mostly useful to relieve constipation?
a- Cheese, pasta and eggs
b- Rice, eggs, and leanmeat
c- Bran(Oats), figs, and prune
d- Cabbage, bananas and apple

Which of the following vitamin supplements can decrease the incidence of Neural tube defects such as anencephaly and spina bifida new-borns ?
A. Vitamin A
B. Riboflavin
C. Folic Acid
D. Vitamin K

Which one of the following early signs and symptoms is associated with increased intracranial pressure?
A. restlessness and confusion
B. bradycardia and hypertension
C. tachycardia and hypotension
D. respiratory depression and headache

A man is to be discharged from the General appendectomy. The
precautionary measures, plans are discussed
with him. What is the most important desired outcome after discharge
A. Remain free of post-surgical complications
B. Report fever, redness or drainage from the wound site
C. Use pain management techniques approp.
D. Resume gradual activities and avoid weight

A nurse is instructing a female client how to do breast
self-exam. Which of the followings is the best time to
perform this exam .
A. After ovulation
B. After the period
C. Two weeks after period
D. Three days before period

A 33 old woman presented to the ER with general weakness. The
laboratory investigation indicated VIT D
deficiency. Which of the following nutrient should be recommended as a
?good source of vitamin
A. Rice B. Green tea C. Orange juice D. Fish liver oils

What must be known on legal points of delegation
when process to a new nurse?
A. Evaluation of performance of delegate by clients
B. Actual time it takes to complete the task by delegat
C. Institution definition of the job description delegation
D. Number of times that the delegate has previously task

. nurse is preparing the patient for hospital for discharge following above-the-knee amputation with rigid
dressing over the residual limb. Fourteen days following surgery, the patient is successfully fitted with Prosthetic
limb and begins physical therapy Which of the following resting position is most beneficial?
A. Sitting with legs crossed
B. Abduction of residual limb
C. Knee flexion when sitting in chair
D. Knee extension when in bed

1353.A 65 year-old woman presents to her care provider with complaints of bright red -15 blood in the stool, a loss of appetite, a feeling of fullness and fatigue. She has lost five kilograms in the past three weeks without dieting. A faecal occult blood test is positive and the patient scheduled for an additional screening test. Which of the following ?screening tests is the most appropriate
A. barium enema
B. colonoscopy bright blood
C. endoscopy dark blood
D. computed tomography scan

1312. As identified by DR Elizabeth Kubler , which stage of dying is characterized by the transition from ‘ NO’ not me
to “ yes ,me but…..”
A. Anger
B. Depression
C. Acceptance
D. Bargaining
: شرح المذكرات:
1320. A13-weeks-pregnant,multigravida women is anxious, and apprehensive she has five children and is not
willing to continue with this pregnancy she is requesting the midwife to about the fetus, she is underweight,