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🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹

لوگوی کانال تلگرام explanate — 🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹 ت
لوگوی کانال تلگرام explanate — 🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹
آدرس کانال: @explanate
دسته بندی ها: تحصیلات
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 24.86K
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شرح الاسئله الامتحانات السابقه

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2021-12-16 15:18:20 الله يسعدك يامس ايمان والله ماقصرتي معنا الحمدلله الاختبار كان كويس لاكن انا كنت خايف لان الناس قالوا الاسئله تغيرت وماجانا من التجميعات لاكن الحمدلله جاني من تجميعاتك

جاني سؤال عن premantrual syndrome ماعرفت الجواب

وسؤال عن breast exam حاطيته كل سنتين اتوقع خطا مفروض كل سنه

لان عمر البيشنت كان فوق الارربعين
559 views12:18
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-16 15:18:07 سلام عليكم انا اختباري كان اليوم 15/12
بصراحه ماجاني كثير من التجميعات لان ماجاني ولا شي عن السيكاترك و ثلاث ارباع اختباري كان عن الليدر شيب جتني اساله شبييه لهذي بس لازم لااا م تقرون السوال زين لانهم لاعبين بالسيتويشن لعب والاساله ماكنت طويله زي الملازم مختصره مرره لدرجه تضيعين السوال المهم هذي بعض الاساله الي اتذكرها حطيتها لكن ركزو على الليدر شيب بعد وبالتوفيق للجميع

‏The patient came to ER . He complained from exacerbation of bronchial asthma . What sign of improvement for the patient?
‏A. Respiratory Rate 50 b/m
‏B. O2 saturation 97% at room air
‏Answer : B

‏When should we do cleft palate and lip surgery? A. After one year
‏B. After two years
‏C. After the child is able to hold a cup
‏D. After improving his awareness
‏Answer : C

Infant borned with normal delivery . After 2 months during follow up visit , the nurse has observed the infent has one thigh shorter than the second one . The nurse performed barlow test and the affected leg turn outward . What should the nurse expect ?
A. Fracture
‏B. Dislocation
‏Answer : B

‏ 15-year-old girl is admitted after a Motor Vehicle Accident child has a fracture in her left leg and a wound in her face,when dealing with this child the nurse should be aware that important task to achieve during this age is which of the following ?
‏A. Initiative versus guilt
‏B. Industry versus inferiority C. Trust versus mistrust
‏D. Identity vs. Role confusion
الجواب د

‏(3) Postpartum mother was complaining of mastitis on the Right breast, and she told the nurse that it's safe feeding by my left side, What should The nurse response?
‏A. Breastfeed from both sides it is safe ✓ B. The left side is only safe
‏C. The right side is only safe

اسئلة nephrostomy tube
-Patient with placed nephrostomy tube which of the following sign the nurse should notify the doctor IMMEDIATELY?

A- Low urine output

-Priority nursing diagnosis for patient with placed nephrostomy tube?

A-Risk for infection
❖ Placement of a nephrostomy tube is temporary and allows urine to drain outside of your body when it can't flow through your urinary system as normal.
672 views12:18
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-16 05:19:16
973 views02:19
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-14 06:27:38 اختباري يوم 13/12 الحمدالله السكشن الاول حلو وخفيف ومن التجميعات كل الاقسام جات وسهله السكشن الثاني اداره وفيه اطفال : بس عمموما الااشياء جديده بس مفهومه مسائل يمكن ٥ كلها سهله صور وحده حقت الاذن :

^ نصيحه اعرفو مفاتيح الحل عشان يسهل عليكم الحل والوقت م يخلص ..
تجميعات وشرح ايمان وغيث

ماجني(تطعيمات ،ECG ،APGAR , Gloma coma scal، نسبه الحروق ، رسمات )

*كم مرا اشيك او افضي الشيست تيوب بساعات * ارقام* حطيت كل4 مدري صح ولالا

*مرض السكر في ممملكه العربيه سعوديه ايش ابي دميك ولا الثاني

وحده p5 و جابت بيبيي 4كيلو المهم معها سكرشن و ااخترت الاجابات موب مقنعه بس حطيت تحط iuc *مو متاكده *

: مرض اسمه hikiuhg تقريبا السبيلق كذامدري بس م قد قريته

: فيه لصقات منع الحمل تقريبا زي التعريف

* علاج ال الازمه اعطيه باي وقت جايب* اوقات* حطيت بس ٧-٨ صبح

* واحد مدري وش فيه اعطيه عصير وجايب لي انواع عصيرات .

* طفل يورن فركونسي و فمه ناشف ودايخ وش اول شي اسوي له. قلت اشيك ع الجلكوز

* مريض بواسير يسال ايش الوضعيه وقت العمليه الاجابت طويله فيها شرح الوضعيه

* ومريض استصال الغده يسال بعد ليه احطه في وضعيه فلكسن وشرح الوضعيه

* تعريف flot

*وحده حامل اعرضها نفس اعراض الزايده يقولك وش دايقنوسس كان فيه اتوبيك او بلاسنتا ابورشن و ابورشن .او زايده

* واحد معه هيبرتنشن وش الانزيم الي ماله دخل فيه ناسيه الخيارات

* الوزن الطبيعي للطفل المولود *ارقام *

* فيه طفل obes كمBMI * ارقام*

‏Sieipc shok الوضعيه

علامات .nervous shock* ارقام*

* حصوه الكلئ كيف اعالجها

واحد عنده نزيف بخشمه ووش اول شي بس جابو اني ارفع راسه جواب طويل معناته كذا * مو متاكده*

سوال اداره. PAp smirتيست وكذا وش نوع اللي تيسينق * نفس سوال بالادارهه*

سوال الي معه توحد ايش ايش اسبابه جايب ابيوز و فلمي منبر

واحد عمره٧٠ معه جلد اصفر وانتفاخ بالبطن واديما حطيت هيبتك. مدري صح ولالا

سوال جايب +2 اديما ايش نوعها هي الخيارات كانت mild ، sevre , modrt

بيبي معه جوندس بعد ٣ ايام وش اسوي له الخيارات عن الرضاعه الا واحد احطه علاج الضوئي

في مريض عطيته علاج وقالي انه مو علاجي * نفس الي بتجميعات بس اختلاف الاجوبه بس اقرب شي ارجعه للصيدليه* موب متاكده

*من التجيعات اشياء كثيره حددتها بملفات*

‏Atrial flutter سكرشن بينك و ايديما المهم الاجوبه فيها لفت فنترتكل و نموينا ايديما *تقويبا من التجميعات*
كم الاستكمك للبيبي ٦ .
شي مدري وش نستيه بس الي جوابه ياكل سمك. سوالين حق الايدز و وعزل الtp و منجايتس
- حق عصير الثوم
سبب عدم استخدام بودرة الاطفال itching ولا respiratory problems. عزل massls
727 views03:27
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-14 06:26:39 :1 month old infant what long term complications after clift palate repair ?
1-Teeth pain
2-Deaviated septum
3-speach difficulty
4-recurrent tonsillitis

Newborn aspirated meconium what to use for diagnosis > اخترت x-ray

كان سيناريو طويل الخلاصه Meningitis spreads in hajj > pandemic or epidemic

538.A 2day old newborn is admitted to the nursery. While the nurse is administrating oral feeding, the milk returns through the child's nose and mouth and the infant become cyanotic. Which of the following condition the newborn should have?
o A. Anorectal ma lformation
o B. Tracheoesophageal fistula
o C. Cleft lip and palate
o D. Cardiac condition

Position immediately after adenotonsillectomy > ما كان موجود في الخيارات side-lying
اخترت prone

Position after tonsillectomy > side lying

وجا اسباب النزيف بعد الولاده شنو اكثر سبب من 4T
اخترت tone

Mother has a son with seizure what the nurse should teach her before discharge :
A/ remove hazardous things from the house to prevent injury
B/ Stable the movement if the child
باقي الاجوبه ما كانت منطقيه

A 16-year-old girl developed an infection over the surface of the heart after having her nose pierced to place jewelry on admission, she had developed pyrexia of 38C, a heart murmur and petechiae over the whole body. She was admitted to the hospital and treated with intravenous antibiotics. The nurse explains to the patient that she is at high-risk for re-infection and provides discharge teaching on preventive measures. Which of the following would most likely require prophylactic treatment?
A. pelvic examination
*B. dental. Care*
C. bronchoscopy
D. urinary catheterization

Elderly with vision and hearing impairment what should the nurse assess for :

A/Sensory overload
السؤال قديم بالتجميعات
نسيت باقي الاجوبه بس ما كانت منطقيه انا احترت بين هذول واخترت B

جات اسئله عن mechanical ventilator
من ضمنها سؤال
Patient old and with heart disease and hypoxia
He is 70kg With which tidal volume should you start ?
والاجوبه كانت ارقام بالمئات اعلى شي كان700ml بالاجوبه بس ما عرفت احسبها صراحه اخترت عشوائي 560ml تقريباً
8ml weight
8 70 = 560 ml

ان شاء الله بس احصل وقت بكمل اكتب الباقي

Women gave birth on 24 weeks the newborn’s weight 1000 what is the percentile ?

Myocardial infarction ECG > ST elevation
Ischemia > ST depression

ما جاني ECG غير هذي

جا سؤال عن acute respiratory distress syndrome

وسؤال patient with edema and hepatomegaly واعراض زياده والجواب right heart failure

Patient with hypertension, diabetes and hyperthyroidism witch medication should be stopped preoperatively?
Metformin ( glucophage )

Latent stage of labor > 3-4 cm

Contractions characteristics after 7 cm dilation?
548 views03:26
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-14 06:26:39 Isoniazid side effects: peripheral neuroitis

جاني سؤال يقول ان النيرس سوت اختبار barlow وطلع بوزتيف والجواب كان dysplasia ddh

‎طفل عنده uti متكرر وش الرسك فاكتور

‎ كان من ضمن الاختيارات
-Chronic constipation

‎جاء سؤال واحد صار عليه هو وزوجته حادث وزوجته ماتت ولما صحى كان عنده كسور واصابات،سأل الممرضه عن زوجته وش تقول له؟
‎الاختيارات كانت

I'm sorry your wife died

Ask your family about your wife

Your wife went to another hospital

yuor doctor will adress regarding concren

‎مريض عمل عملية open heart surgery ,والممرضه تسوي teaching عن كيفية Wound care،الاختيارات كانت

Inform the doctor in case of bleeding

Do not raise the arm above shoulder level

553. A 3 days old newborn is diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. The nurse is conducting a physical examination.
Which of the following findings will alert the nurse to suspect this disease in the newborn?
A. palpable sausage-shaped mass
B. cyanosis of fingers and toes
C. failure to pass meconium within 24-48 hours of life
D. weight less than expected for height and age

جاني اثنين Apgar scor

جاني مرض Marasmus——like stick

1353.A 65 year-old woman presents to her care provider with complaints of bright red -15 blood in the stool, a loss of appetite, a feeling of fullness and fatigue. She has lost five kilograms in the past three weeks without dieting. A faecal occult blood test is positive and the patient scheduled for an additional screening test. Which of the following ?screening tests is the most appropriate
A. barium enema
B. colonoscopy bright blood عشان
C. endoscopy - حيكون dark blood لو قال
D. computed tomography scan

225. A diabetic mother delivered a full term neonate by Caesarean section infant is admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit for observation. This infant is at risk of which of the following complication?
A. Pneumothorax atelectasis
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Atelectasis
D. Hypoglycemia

308 multiparous woman is admitted to postpartum ward after vaginal delivery. Assessment showed, lochia: steady
trickle of bright red blood and ndus: firm.
Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Heart rate 80 /min
Respiratory rate 20 /min Temperature 37.5
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Endometritis
B. Uterine atony
C. Vulvar hematoma
D. laceration of the genital tract

312. multiparous patient on day 1 postpartum is asking the nurse to send her baby to the nursery so she can sleep.
What is the most likely phase of psychological adaptation?
A. Taking-in
B. Letting-go
C. Taking-go
D. Letting-in

425-A newborn admitted to the NICU with tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF). Which of the following nursing intervention should be included?
A. Elevate the head for feeding
B. Elevating the head but keep the child NPO
C. Insert a nasogastric tube for feeding
D. Encourage the mother to breast feed

538.A 2day old newborn is admitted to the nursery. While the nurse is administrating oral feeding, the milk returns through the child's nose and mouth and the infant become cyanotic. Which of the following condition the newborn should have?
o A. Anorectal ma lformation
o B. Tracheoesophageal fistula
o C. Cleft lip and palate
o D. Cardiac condition

615. 5-year-old child was brought to the Emergency Room with a fractured right forearm. He had several bruises on
his body but showed no signs of an while palpating them. He seemed scared and did not answer any questions
asked. Why should the nurse discuss this case with the nurse manager?
A. Continuity of care
B. Rule out child abuse
C. Psychological support
D. Fracture management

شكراً مس ايماان واستاذ سعيد ما قصرتوا معنا يعطيكم الف عافيه يارب
القسم الاول بالاختبار كان اغلبه من التجميعات سهل ولطيف ، القسم الثاني كان يبيله صراحه فيه بس كم سؤال من التجميعات والباقي جديد بعضهم ينحل بالفهم وبعضهم يحتاج مذاكرة اقسام معينه
بكتب لكم الي تذكرته وبعض الاسئله الجديده حسب ما اتذكرها
483 views03:26
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-14 06:26:39 السلام عليكم اختبرت اليوم السكشن الاول كان واضح وسهله الاسئله والثاني كان يحتاااج تركييييز ووقت اكثر وجابو اداره وامراض النفسيه تحتاج تركيز بس وهذي بعض الاسئله اللي تذكرتها وبالتوفيق للجميع يارب

593.What of the following disease are prevented by MMR vaccine?
A. Mumps-measles-Scarlet fever
B. Mumps-measles-rotavirus
C. Mumps-measles-rabies
D. Mumps-measles-germen- measles

596.Which of the following routes is used to administered Diphtheria, Tetanus and pertussis DTP vaccine?
A. Oral
B. Intramuscular
C. Subcutaneous
D. Intraderma

594. A mother brought her 6-month-old healthy infant to the well-baby clinic Which immunization should the nurse
anticipate to administer as per World Health Organization's recommendation?
A. Varicella (Chicken pox)
B. Rotavirus and hepatitis
C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella
D. Diphtheria, Tetanus and pertussis

1493. A nurse is caring for a 55 years patient with abdominal pain. On assessment the nurse noticed lower
abdominal distention on palpation and was concerned about urinary retention. Which of the following clinical
indicators supports the nurses concerns?
A. Hyperthermia
B. Urine output of 35 ml/hour
C. Imbalanced electrolytes level
D. Voiding small amounts of urine at a time

جاني abdominal examination
جاني سؤالين عن الBATHE
جاني التيست اللي قبل العمليه اللي هوpt

1367. Assessment of never 9,10 IX , X tools?
A. Tuning Fork
B. Pin lights and tongue depressor never XV for Glossopharyngeal , X for Vagus

جاني برضو سؤال اللي اعطت دواء الضغط لمريض خطا

جاني وضعيه shock(trendelenburg)
الوضعيه بعد استئصال الزايده
والوضعيه بعد استئصال اللوز

جاني عن hypothyroidism,hyperthr

جاتني صوره وحده ECG

وكمان سؤال واحد ABG
41. Which of the following is the most effective infection control precaution to prevent nosocomial infection?
A. Hand washing before and after patient contact
B. Wearing gloves and mask for direct patient care
C. Isolation precaution
D. Broad spectrum antibiotic

51. A 5-year-old child is seen in the primary care clinic with mild fever, headache, and malaise for about 2 days and
today he has a rash filled with fluids. which of the following is the best suggested diagnosis?
A. Chicken pox
B. German measles
C. Measles
D. Scarlet fever

53. A patient with measles (rubella) is on airborne precautions. Which of the following precaution techniques would
be essential to implement for non-immune persons entering the room?
A. Gloves
B. Gowns
C. Masks
D. Face shields

118. The nurse administered a dose of morphine sulfate as prescribed to a patient who is in the post anesthesia
care unit (PACU). The patient appears to be resting comfortably, the respiratory rate is 8 and the O2saturation is
21 oxygen via cannula is 86%. The nurse should IMMEDIATELY administer:
A. Flumazenil(Romazicon)
B. Medazolum(versed)
C. Naloxone (Narcan)
D. Ondansetron (Zofran)

جاني فيتامين نقص فيتامين دال يسبب اكتئاب

140. Which of the following vitamin supplements can decrease the incidence of Neural tube defects such as
anencephaly and spina bifida new-borns ?
A. Vitamin A
B. Riboflavin
C. Folic Acid
D. Vitamin K

149. Doctor Order: Heparin 10000 units OD S/C Standard Solution 40000 units/ml How many ml would you
A. 0,

242. A 32year old woman has just been told that she is pregnant she states ‘ As mush as I love my children , I had
had hoped we would not have any more “ this statement reflect of which of the following related to pregnancy
A. Anger
B. Denial
C. Guilt
D. Ambivalence

جاني سؤال ايش المنطقه اللي تتخدر اثناء الولاده

سؤالين عن thalasima الميديكشن وناسيه الثانيه

184) A 65-year-old women visited the gynecological outpatient history reveals that she
had 3 pregnancies, one abortion gestational age, had 2 normal deliveries. She smokes
20 Her complaint is that she wets herself when she coughs embarrassing for her? Which
of the following can be considered as risk factors pelvic floor muscles?
A. Chronic coughing
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Excessive spot
D. Sedentary lifestyle
563 views03:26
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-13 18:41:08 Sedentary lifestyle

Isoniazid side effects: peripheral neuroitis

جاني سؤال يقول ان النيرس سوت اختبار barlow وطلع بوزتيف والجواب كان dysplasia ddh

‎طفل عنده uti متكرر وش الرسك فاكتور

‎ كان من ضمن الاختيارات
-Chronic constipation

‎جاء سؤال واحد صار عليه هو وزوجته حادث وزوجته ماتت ولما صحى كان عنده كسور واصابات،سأل الممرضه عن زوجته وش تقول له؟
‎الاختيارات كانت

I'm sorry your wife died

Ask your family about your wife

Your wife went to another hospital

yuor doctor will adress regarding concren

‎مريض عمل عملية open heart surgery ,والممرضه تسوي teaching عن كيفية Wound care،الاختيارات كانت

Inform the doctor in case of bleeding

Do not raise the arm above shoulder level

553. A 3 days old newborn is diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. The nurse is conducting a physical examination.
Which of the following findings will alert the nurse to suspect this disease in the newborn?
A. palpable sausage-shaped mass
B. cyanosis of fingers and toes
C. failure to pass meconium within 24-48 hours of life
D. weight less than expected for height and age

جاني اثنين Apgar scor

جاني مرض Marasmus——like stick

1353.A 65 year-old woman presents to her care provider with complaints of bright red -15 blood in the stool, a loss of appetite, a feeling of fullness and fatigue. She has lost five kilograms in the past three weeks without dieting. A faecal occult blood test is positive and the patient scheduled for an additional screening test. Which of the following ?screening tests is the most appropriate
A. barium enema
B. colonoscopy bright blood عشان
C. endoscopy - حيكون dark blood لو قال
D. computed tomography scan

225. A diabetic mother delivered a full term neonate by Caesarean section infant is admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit for observation. This infant is at risk of which of the following complication?
A. Pneumothorax atelectasis
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Atelectasis
D. Hypoglycemia

308 multiparous woman is admitted to postpartum ward after vaginal delivery. Assessment showed, lochia: steady
trickle of bright red blood and ndus: firm.
Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Heart rate 80 /min
Respiratory rate 20 /min Temperature 37.5
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Endometritis
B. Uterine atony
C. Vulvar hematoma
D. laceration of the genital tract

312. multiparous patient on day 1 postpartum is asking the nurse to send her baby to the nursery so she can sleep.
What is the most likely phase of psychological adaptation?
A. Taking-in
B. Letting-go
C. Taking-go
D. Letting-in

425-A newborn admitted to the NICU with tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF). Which of the following nursing intervention should be included?
A. Elevate the head for feeding
B. Elevating the head but keep the child NPO
C. Insert a nasogastric tube for feeding
D. Encourage the mother to breast feed

538.A 2day old newborn is admitted to the nursery. While the nurse is administrating oral feeding, the milk returns through the child's nose and mouth and the infant become cyanotic. Which of the following condition the newborn should have?
o A. Anorectal ma lformation
o B. Tracheoesophageal fistula
o C. Cleft lip and palate
o D. Cardiac condition

615. 5-year-old child was brought to the Emergency Room with a fractured right forearm. He had several bruises on
his body but showed no signs of an while palpating them. He seemed scared and did not answer any questions
asked. Why should the nurse discuss this case with the nurse manager?
A. Continuity of care
B. Rule out child abuse
C. Psychological support
D. Fracture management
957 views15:41
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-13 18:41:08 السلام عليكم اختبرت اليوم في ابها السكشن الاول كان واضح وسهله الاسئله والثاني كان يحتاااج تركييييز ووقت اكثر وجابو اداره وامراض النفسيه تحتاج تركيز بس وهذي بعض الاسئله اللي تذكرتها وبالتوفيق للجميع يارب

593.What of the following disease are prevented by MMR vaccine?
A. Mumps-measles-Scarlet fever
B. Mumps-measles-rotavirus
C. Mumps-measles-rabies
D. Mumps-measles-germen- measles

596.Which of the following routes is used to administered Diphtheria, Tetanus and pertussis DTP vaccine?
A. Oral
B. Intramuscular
C. Subcutaneous
D. Intraderma

594. A mother brought her 6-month-old healthy infant to the well-baby clinic Which immunization should the nurse
anticipate to administer as per World Health Organization's recommendation?
A. Varicella (Chicken pox)
B. Rotavirus and hepatitis
C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella
D. Diphtheria, Tetanus and pertussis

1493. A nurse is caring for a 55 years patient with abdominal pain. On assessment the nurse noticed lower
abdominal distention on palpation and was concerned about urinary retention. Which of the following clinical
indicators supports the nurses concerns?
A. Hyperthermia
B. Urine output of 35 ml/hour
C. Imbalanced electrolytes level
D. Voiding small amounts of urine at a time

جاني abdominal examination
جاني سؤالين عن الBATHE
جاني التيست اللي قبل العمليه اللي هوpt

1367. Assessment of never 9,10 IX , X tools?
A. Tuning Fork
B. Pin lights and tongue depressor never XV for Glossopharyngeal , X for Vagus

جاني برضو سؤال اللي اعطت دواء الضغط لمريض خطا

جاني وضعيه shock(trendelenburg)
الوضعيه بعد استئصال الزايده
والوضعيه بعد استئصال اللوز

جاني عن hypothyroidism,hyperthr

جاتني صوره وحده ECG

وكمان سؤال واحد ABG
41. Which of the following is the most effective infection control precaution to prevent nosocomial infection?
A. Hand washing before and after patient contact
B. Wearing gloves and mask for direct patient care
C. Isolation precaution
D. Broad spectrum antibiotic

51. A 5-year-old child is seen in the primary care clinic with mild fever, headache, and malaise for about 2 days and
today he has a rash filled with fluids. which of the following is the best suggested diagnosis?
A. Chicken pox
B. German measles
C. Measles
D. Scarlet fever

53. A patient with measles (rubella) is on airborne precautions. Which of the following precaution techniques would
be essential to implement for non-immune persons entering the room?
A. Gloves
B. Gowns
C. Masks
D. Face shields

118. The nurse administered a dose of morphine sulfate as prescribed to a patient who is in the post anesthesia
care unit (PACU). The patient appears to be resting comfortably, the respiratory rate is 8 and the O2saturation is
21 oxygen via cannula is 86%. The nurse should IMMEDIATELY administer:
A. Flumazenil(Romazicon)
B. Medazolum(versed)
C. Naloxone (Narcan)
D. Ondansetron (Zofran)

جاني فيتامين نقص فيتامين دال يسبب اكتئاب

140. Which of the following vitamin supplements can decrease the incidence of Neural tube defects such as
anencephaly and spina bifida new-borns ?
A. Vitamin A
B. Riboflavin
C. Folic Acid
D. Vitamin K

149. Doctor Order: Heparin 10000 units OD S/C Standard Solution 40000 units/ml How many ml would you
A. 0,

242. A 32year old woman has just been told that she is pregnant she states ‘ As mush as I love my children , I had
had hoped we would not have any more “ this statement reflect of which of the following related to pregnancy
A. Anger
B. Denial
C. Guilt
D. Ambivalence

جاني سؤال ايش المنطقه اللي تتخدر اثناء الولاده

سؤالين عن thalasima الميديكشن وناسيه الثانيه

184) A 65-year-old women visited the gynecological outpatient history reveals that she
had 3 pregnancies, one abortion gestational age, had 2 normal deliveries. She smokes
20 Her complaint is that she wets herself when she coughs embarrassing for her? Which
of the following can be considered as risk factors pelvic floor muscles?
A. Chronic coughing
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Excessive spot
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باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-13 06:08:33 malnutrition and is over worked, BMI 17kg/m2,what intervention is desired immediately ?
A. Admission and intravenous line management for induction.
B. Family planning and birth control measures
C. Dietary management and supplements.
D. Support , reassurance and counselling.


During the research process, when should a hypothesis be developed by the researcher?
A. Before any statistical analysis
B. After a research design is determined
C. Before development of the research question
D. After development of the research question

: What is most appropriate blood test for patient who is going to surgery

a.      WBC

b.      Albumin

c.      Prothrombin time

d.      Hemoglobin


: 933. Which of the following tests measures the total quantity of prothrombin in the blood and monitors the
effectiveness of warfarin sodium (Coumarin) herapy and prolonged deficiencies in the extrinsic factor?
A. Thrombin time
B. Prothrombin time
C. Partial prothrombin time
D. Activated partial prothrombin time

: o In a small pilot study, 12 women with endometrial cancer (cancer of
the uterus) and 12 women with no apparent disease were contacted and
asked whether they had ever used estrogen. Each woman with cancer
was matched by age, race, weight, and parity to a woman without
disease. What kind of study design is this?
A- Concurrent cohort
B- Retrospective cohort
C- case-control
D- Cross-sectional

: o A nurse is implementing nursing interventions to monitor a patient
following kidney surgery. Which of the following complications would
be the MOST likely post-operative risk after renal surgery?
A. Deep vein thrombosis
B. Hemorrhage
C. Nausea

. A 44 year old obese patient was subject for a surgery called bariatric gastric bypass to specific. The nurse and
the physician are giving information about the procedure to the patient. Which of the following statement is
the best describing the patient understanding?
A. Same effect with liposuction
B. An opening will placed in my medication
C. The surgery will reduce the size of my stomach
D. Easiest way to lose weight no need to exercise after surgery

: 545 An infant is born with spina bifida. Which of the following complication is always found in these infants?
A. Hydrocephalus
B. Craniosynostosis
C. Meningitis
D. Cerebral policy

27 -A 10-month-old infant is admitted with intestinal obstruction. Colostomy was performed. Which of the following instruction should be given to the parents about colostomy care?
A. Use baby powder after stoma cleaning
B. Empty the pouch when it is completely full
C. Avoid tight diapers around the infant abdomen
D. Use baby wipes to clean the skin around the stom
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