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🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹

لوگوی کانال تلگرام explanate — 🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹 ت
لوگوی کانال تلگرام explanate — 🌹تجميعه اسئله الامتحانات 🌹
آدرس کانال: @explanate
دسته بندی ها: تحصیلات
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 24.49K
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شرح الاسئله الامتحانات السابقه

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آخرین پیام ها 7

2021-12-23 15:10:05 ‏What is the first intervention for her?
‏A. Notify the doctor
‏B. Elevate her leg
‏C. Check Physical assessment and vital signs

Ear drop adult


Child came to ER with some bruising and discoloration in the skin. They try to took with him but not responding or talking with anyone.
What should the nurse suspect the child have?
A. Fear from people
B. Physical abuse

Child with Pyloric stenosis. What is the expected signs and symptoms postoperative?
A. Abdominal pain B. Watery stool C. Vomiting D. Urinary

ماجاني ولا ابقار سكور
جا اثنين المدكيشين نفس الملزمه
ABG سهله وااضحه من التجميعات

بالنسبة ‏لسؤال كورونا كوفيد 19 ‏في ‏Girl ‏تحتاج تأخذ مسحة علشان تتأكد من إصابته في كورونا سألت الممرضة ليش تاخذين مسحة في أربع خيارات
‏ 1 انه كانت مسافرة قبل سنة
2 صديق او قريب لها مصاب + positiveقبل سنة
3 انها مع صديقة او صديق Close مصاب وحابة تاخذ مسحة

another friend groupمخالطين

السلام عليكم
اغلب السكشن الاول كان من التجميعات
جاني سؤال طفل ٦ شهور ايش اللقاح حقو
و إيش هيا البروسيجر percutaneous nephrolithotomy
و مين اللي اكتر عرضة للسقوط ( اخترت older and toddler)
و جاني سؤال حساب cpp
جاني ?Which tidal volume should
بس ناسيه المعطيات
و جات صوره للقفص الصدري مرقمه انو فين احط يدي لمن اسوي السي بي آر
و الصورة التانيه abdominal aortic aneurysm
انو لمن اسوي اكسزمنيشن لها ايش احس و حطيت palsing
سؤال مريض ADHD وقت حجر كورونا ايش اسوي معاه ( اأكد انو يمشي ع نفس علاجو ولا اسويلي انشطة تناسب الوضع / ناسيه باقي الخيارات)
و جا سؤال انو الدكتور طلب 375mg من دواء لطفل والمتوفر 500mg و حللتو ب200ml فكم اسحب بالسيرينج بالml؟
657 viewsedited  12:10
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-23 15:10:05 Patient after liver biopsy position on right sided .Why should the nurse keep patient on operation site ?
A . Enhance blood circulation
B. Prevent bleeding
C. Increase comfortable
D. Prevent trapped fluid

‏Hand washing

238) An Indian patient, who is vegetarian, is being discharged from after an elective
surgical procedure. The unit nurse is teaching using visual aids and pictures about food
combinations complete protein. Which of the following food items should the nurse
recommended dietary list of the patient?
A. Lentils
B. Potatoes
C. Macaroni
D. Green salad

CBC ايش يطلع
Blood group

Pregnant woman has convulsions associated with eclampsia . Which of the following drug should give to her ?
A. Midazolam
B. Diazepam
C Magnesium sulfate

Child with decrease in growth , low vitamin D and high calcium level . What is the most appropriate intervention ?
A. Treat Hypercalcaemia
B. Expose child to sun
C. Monitor growth chart

Open fracture

Why is better for preventing use of powder for children after bathing ? A. Respiratory problems
B. Itching skin
C. Diarrhea
D. Skin dryness

Infant borned with normal delivery . After 2 months during follow up visit , the nurse has observed the infent has one thigh shorter than the second one . The nurse performed barlow test and the affected leg turn outward . What should the nurse expect ?
A. Fracture
B. Dislocation

Home visit mother prgnant 24 weak

21years diagnosis with head injury. After craniotomy . What is the nursing intervention ? A. Transfer patient to ICU
B. Transfer patient to medical ward
C. Do CT scan after 48 hour

What is the location of liver in abdomen ? A. Left hypochondriac
B. Right hypochondroic

staptococcal _ gloves ,gown

Mother came to the Outpatient Department with an infant having cleft and palate. The infant was underweight, so the nurse has to consider ching the proper way of feeding the child in the treatment plan. Which of the following is the proper way of feeding
A. Use a non-squeezable bottle during feeding
B. Feed infant in an upright, sitting position
C. Enlarge nipple holes of bottle to allow more milk to pass through
D. Feed infant longer than 45 minutes to allow more food to be

The nurse have been teaching a new mother how to feed was born with a cleft lip and palate before surgical repair of Which of the following action from the mother indicate teaching has been successful?
a- burping the baby frequently
b- Prevent the infant from crying
c- Placing the baby flat during feeding d-Keep the infant prone following feedings

‏What is the action /function of Ringer Lactate? Increase intracellular fluids Decrease intracellular fluids
‏Expend extracellular fluids

‏year-old man was admitted with complaint working for three days. The nurse is preparing to administer infusion of saline 1000 ml over six hours. What is the hourly infusion rate that the nurse needs to infusion therapy in mL/hour?
‏A.155 B.167 C.190 D.217

‏pregnant woman has previous preterm labor and she was asking the nurse if sexual intercourse is safe during her pregnancy?
‏A. Its safe
‏B. It‘s not safe
‏C. It‘s safe until 3rd trimaster

‏A nurse is planning to discharge a known HIV, Which of the following nursing problem requires?
‏A. Risk of infection due to altered immune
‏B. Fluid volume deficit due to frequent diarrhea
‏C. Anxiety due to disease, fear and social
‏D. Weight loss due to higher metabolism rate

‏Measurements rates of epidemiology. rate of birth in the year of 2016 is 19.5 per 1000. What is it considered?
‏A-Crude rate
‏B- Observation rate
‏C- Specific rate
‏D- Standardizedrate

‏Woman came to outpatient for follow up. She complained from dizzness and fatigue. The nurse refered her to relax inside empty room. She suddenly fell down on the floor then she has faintaing and loss of conciousness. The nurse examined her and assessed vital signs. Bl. P 90/50 mmhg , HR 120 b/m, RR 23 b/m.
532 views12:10
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-23 15:06:07 ‏ جاني حساب ادويه ٢ سهلين ووحده م -عرفتها يبغى كم دروب لكل ملي - السوال كان ٥٠٠ مل الاوردر ع خمس ساعات و١٥ دروب والخيارات كانت.
50ml /15drop per min
100 / 25---
(500 15) ( 5 60) = 25

Mother of 9 واحد جاني
- جاني سوال بالليدر انهه ديسشن ميكنق المهم م كان فالخيارات لا دسنترالزيشن ولا ديموقراتك كانت خيارات غير
- مكان الليفر
البايبسو لليفر البوزشن اخترت رايت لترل سيمي
- صورة ترانسفير م كان فيه بالخيارات semi solid ولا soft stool اخترت semi fluid
-م جاني لا ابقار ولا رسومات ecg ولا ctg
- جاني ستويشن طويل عرض المهم في MRSI المريض وان الممرضه ايش تسوي الخيارات كانت احطه بغرفة نقتف برشر وخيارات طويله المهم اخترت الخيار اللي في contact حاولت استبعد خيارات واقرب كانت

م جاني شي من تجميع اكتوبر ولا ديسمبر غير اللي ذكرت فوق
السكشن الاول يعتبر حلو اما الثاني م في تعليق عليه نسال الله التوفيق والنجاح يارب
جاني سوال التست للحامل not complete اخترت nostrss كان السوال مو مفهوم والخيارات بعد
- ان شاءالله بكرا افتح الملزمه واحدد لكم والله مراا دايخه لان مختبره بمنطقه ثانيه دعواتكم بتوفيق لي ولكم

مساء الخير ..تو طلعت من الاختبار السكشن الاول كل الي راجعته الفتره الاخيره من قروب سعيد وايمان وغيث
والسكشن الثاني اغلبه ادااااااااااااااررره

جاني سؤال الام الحامل اذا مرتفعه عندها الغده وش تسبب تسمم الحمل والا ولاده مبكره
جاني ECGواحد
جتني ثلاث معادلات كلها Ivوكيف تحسب
جاني التهاب الكبدA الحضانه حقته كم يوم
وجتني اسئلة التسع ابناء
جاني تعريف ال team
وجتني دايقونوزيز كثيره اغلبها عن الجهاز التنفسي
جتني وضعية palet
ووضعية مريض عنده ضغط في الجمجمه كيف راسه نازل والا مرتفع
وجتني فقدان الحراره عند حديثي الولاده
المعادلات والله ماذكرها لأن ماهتميت لها انا كثير وذاكرت
بس كلها كانت عن الرنقل والنورمل سلاين وووو
وبس والله هذا الي اتذكره اذا فيه شي مهم اذكره ارسله
الحين بالطريق مسافره راجعه الابراج مو حلوه
بس اجتهدو وافهمو بكل الاشياء الي مع الاخوايمان مررررررره كثير جت منها
592 viewsedited  12:06
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-22 18:29:32 22 /12
كان امتحاني اليوم الامتحان بصراحه الأغلبية من EMS
بس للاسف كنت متوتره بالامتحان وتهت هم مش نفس الاسئله بس نفس المعني وفي كم سؤال يمكن موجود بالمذكره بس ما ركزت عليها إيش organ المسبب لcervical cancer
بصراحه في اختيارات بس للاسف جاوبت السبب أصابه الهربس مرتين

وفي سؤال إيش complication Ectopic في الفالوب تيوب
من ضمن الخيارات بروتنيتس
واخترت antraprotnial hemmorag
وفي سؤال ام تركت ابنها ودخلت المستشفى وهي قلقانه عليه النيرس إيش تسوي
تتصل عليه وتطمن
تطمنها وتقول ان هو بخير
تخلي الاهل يتصلو عليها
Bone healing لطفل عمره ٣
سنوات بصراحه عملت من 6-8 اسابيع
2-4 weeks

قبل اعطاء طريقه مانع حمل لازم نعمل assess
اخترت hypertension
في من الخيارات انقطاع الطمث وهبوط الضغط

وفي tracistomy tub complicationr
اخترت مو متاكده لانه كا تب
اخترت injury laryngeal nerve
من ضمن الخيارات RDS

وفي سؤال حامل دخلت المستشفى بتقول من الليل ما في حركه للجنين إيش نسوي
Monitor fetal heart rate
Bed rest

وفي طفل عنده vomiting ودخل dehydration كيف لون urine
Yelow brownish

وفي مريض دخل وعمل عمليه Lapratomy
وهو obes
Wonde helling

وفي سؤال فحص المريض عالي من النورمل رنج جايب النورمل ٢والريزلت ٢.٦ للdigoxin وضغطه عالي إيش اسوي
اخترت نبلغ الطبيب

وسؤال cvp احافظ عليها من الانفكشن
اغير الدريسنق كل يوم
اعمل شاش مع مضاد حيوي

وسؤال إيش سبب الانفكشن لcv
كثره سحب الدم
كثر استخدام المضاد الحيوي والأدوية

في مريض بعد زائده عنده الم إيش نعطيه prescraption kil pain
أو نحوله العيادات الخارجية
وفي اسباب الوفاه للاطفال اخترت acsidant

نسيت pank attak


في ممرضتين خلال break heptitsA ومافي lmunوأعطوها immnuoglbin إيش نوع الlmun
اخترت passive
وغيرتها natural

491. high school girl, who has fears of being obese thin, visited the primary healthcare center with her The mother
reports that her daughter refuses to with the family, and often pretends being a sleep Which of the following
disorders best describe girl?
A. Bulimia
B. Obesity
C. Substance Abuse
D. Anorexia Nervosa
جاني APGARوهو١٠
جاني التايدل فوليوم ٥٦٠
جاء مريض الزهايمر ويشكي من ديمنتا ووش اعراضها
مريض يشكي من الم في الجزء الايمن العلوي وكانت الاعراض الي ظاهره عليه انو لونه شاحب واصفر
هذا الي اتذكره والاغلب كان جديد والسكشن الثاني مااتذكر شي كله اداره ومجتمع مو مفهوم مره
ان تذكرت شي برسله ودعواتكم

Pt with ‏pneumonia on mechincal vintliator, doctor order to change tidal volume from 450 to 500 and rate from 15 to 18 after see ABG results what is expected ABG result :
A. Incense Pco2
B. Decrease Po2
جاني السوال ذا

كثير من EMS تبع ديسمبر
372 viewsedited  15:29
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-21 20:55:57 A 26 years old patient in the gynecological ward complained of pain and swelling in her episiotomy stitches on her second post-natal day.* *On examination the localized swelling redness foul smell and pussy discharge were*
*identified at the stitches site after examination the nurse checked vital sings BP* *116/28 HR 132 RR 28 TEM 39.8. which of the following should the nurse do prior to the patient* *examination by the
gynecologist * !?
A. Arrange dressing instrument
B. Maintain patient privacy
C. Arrange stitch removal kit D. Collect detailed history
جتني رسمتين لل ECG

‏29) The doctor order 0.2 g, the available 400 mg in quantity
‏10 ml, how many ml needed??
‏C- 2ml
‏D- 4ml

جاني اسئله كثير عن الDiagnosis يعطيك حاله وانتي تشخصينها يعني ايش اكثر دقينوزز مناسب للحاله

جاني الماسك N95 صورته وتختارينه
988 views17:55
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-21 20:55:57 التجميعات كانت بالسكيشن الاول والثاني
وجاني بيبي عنده هايدروسيفالو وامه عندها سكر وش بيصير له لما ينولد hyperglycemia او hypo ..

الاداره قليل والpsychatruc قليل بعد
جاني pandemic لما ينتشر المرض من الصين لدول اخرى

٢١٠ اسئله واغلبها من تجميعات مس ايمان و والجدد سهله تحلونها بسرعه

وضعيه مريض spina bififa قبل العملية

وضعية thyrodectomy بعد العملية

راجعوا سعيد جامع اغلب الاسئله اللي اتكررت حقت ايمان وغيث من ملفاتهم
وادعوا لي بالباس

تذكرت سؤال خارج التجميعات لكنه مر علي لما كنت اذاكر اسئلة موقع nurses lab

مريض بالطوارئ يحتاج سوائل وحالته صعبه
الممرضه حاولت مرتين وفشلت بالكانيولا وش تسوي ؟
تكلم مشرف الطوارئ
او تنادي ممرضه خبيره بالكانيولا

جاء سؤال مريض كتب على كونسنت بس مر عليها شهور وصارت مضاعفات وش تسوي الممرضه ؟

تسوي consent جديده
او تكمل القديمه

لما يصير مشكله بالIV site وش تسوي الممرضه ؟
توقف الIV
او تعلم الدكتور

جاء سؤال الinfusion pump تعطلت وش تسوي الممرضه ؟ تكتب عليها انها عطلانه وتكلم الmeantaiance او تحطها بالمخزن او تتركها

جاء partial placenta previa وش الmanagement للمريضه

وجاء threatened abortion

Bed rest


Induce labor

السلام عليكـم ورحمة الله و بركاته اختباري ٢١-١٢
اول شي مره شكررررا لدكتوره ايمان و استاذ سعيد واستاذه زهره ع مجهودهم
نصيحه مني ذاكرو ملزمة غيث وملزمة ايمان وتوكلو ع الله
في اساله تجي نفس الفكره بس مغيرين صيغة السوال
فا افهمو اكثر من انكم تحفظو
الي جاني كل ماحتذكر حرسلكم

جانا بيشنيت sever asthma ايش الدوا الي نعطيه first عطيناه كرتزون

ممرضه صصار بينها وبين البيشنت مشكله مفروض اش تسوي صراحه اخترت انو تسمع لطرفين وتشوف حل لانو الاجابات الباقيه ماقتنعت فيها

وجاني سوال عن وحده وقت الدوره الشهريه اش اعطيها نصايح اغلب الاجابات ماكانت منطقيها منها اخليها تقلل شرب السوائل فا اخترت انو تاخذ مسكن اذا احتاجت

جاني سوال انو مرض انتشر في اسيا و اروبا وحطو اسماء دول كثير فاخترت Pandemic

جاني سوال كيف امنع انو يصير stone وهو اصلا عنده ARF قريت الاجابات كلها ماقتعنت فيها فاخترت اجابه انو يقلل من الرياضه الي تسبب له dehydration

جاني سوال عن الاعراض تبع Cardiogenic shock

جاني حق low fat diet اخترت fish

جاني سوال واحد عنده مشكله بتنفس و edema من الدرجه الثالثه و الم tenderness في الجهه اليمين فوق من البطن الاجابات الي اتذكرها ان left heart failure او ب liver وناسيه الاجابات الثانيه

وفي واحد عنده الم شديد بالمعده والstool يخرج مره خفيف كانه مويا اش نتوقع حاطين Diarrhea و constipation وامراض ثانيه
Fecal impaction

‎ جاني اسم الهرمون الي مسؤول عن انتاج الحليب للام
‎موجود بالمذكرات اذا لقيته برسله

جاني عن Inevitabla abortion السوال برضو موجود بمذكرات EMS انو تجي بعد حادث وعندها الم تحت وكل شي برحم نازل تحت السوال واضح كان السوال

263) Patient immobile 3days science total hip replacement. she will ambulate for the
first time after surgery the nurse told her to descent her leg and sit at the side of the bed
before bearing her weight in foot. The nurse instructs her to do this to avoid which of the
A- hypotension
B- dislocation

72) When the Zygote enter to the uterus after
A. 2 day
B. 4 day
C. 6 day
D. 8 day


*Zygotes enter to the uterus 3 _ 5 day
* Implant 7 _ 10 day after fertilization

جاني بيبي يفقد الحراره من مكيف النيرسري اخرت convection

شكرآ لااستاذ سعيد ومس ايمان جا من التجميعات في اسئله نفسها واضحه وفي اسئله بالفهم
‏The Saudi ministry of health issued annual program for newly graduated nursing staff. What is the term for that ?
‏A. Staffing
‏B. Directing
‏C. Staff development

‏ Adult CPR* !? A. 30:2 100 at 5 cm B. 15:2 120 at 5 cm
‏C. 15:2 120 at 5 cm
‏ D. 30:2 100 at 4 cm
جاني سؤال مريض عنده Cest pain _bleeding بمعنى السؤال ايش اول شي تسوينه توقفين النزيف ولا الالم انا اخترت bleeding

جاني سؤال تعريف الMission
وسؤال الpathing اللي اجابته Respiratory problem

*Soldier was brought to triage area after being exposed to chemical weapons.* *Signs and symptoms of nerve gas exposure were noticed.* *A *nurse prepares for medical management.* *Which
*medication should the nurse prepare for the patient* !? A. Atropine
B. Adrenaline
C. Sodium nitrate
D. Sodium thiosulphate
759 views17:55
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-21 20:55:57 سؤال ان مستشفى يسوي تعليم لـ new graduate وش اسمه؟
الباقي نسيتهم بس مالهم علاقه

سؤال SPAR يجيب سيناريو ويسألك ايش اللي الممرضه ماسوته من هالكلمات

جاب صورة وكاتب transverse colon
هل solid or some-solid
Or liquid
or hard

برضو جاب صورة التيوب االلي بالكدني ويسال وش بتسوين ك post operative care
في ضمن الخيارات تشيكين على موقع التيوب و يكون معقم
او تحطينه على نفس kidney level
او تحافظين عليه نظيف
او inspect for tupe

The most common cause death in maternal

وحاطين النزيف او اكتئاب بعد الولاده
حطيت نزيف لانهم ماحددو قبل او بعد ومدري

جاتني stage 1 تبع القرحه
صور الـ parts of colon
كاتب وش يفرز الـ transfers colon

ابجار واضح مره كله زيرو

جتني ‌Hyperpyrexia
ويقول وش اصح شي عنها
الجوال انها تكون فوق 41

جاني الرضاعه وش نوع مناعتها

مريض عدواني يقول للمرضه روحي واتركيني
هي تقوله
I know you upset I’d like to help

برضو سؤال ان الهيد تبي ستاف وكلمت السوبر وقال انو كل الاقسام فيها نقص
وفيه الفش و الكريتكال و بروبلم سولفنق الصدق مدري وش اجابته
17 year old mother after normal delivery have
anemia and bleeding. Which of the following
education the nurse do?
a. Mass media
b. Group education

c. Individual education ✓

A 25 years old patient with history of amenorrhea for two months was admitted for hydatiform mole investigation. Which signs and symptoms would nurse observe?
A. Hypotension B. Hyperglycemia
C. Rapid uterine growth ✓ D. Painful uterine contraction

88) Anurs is caring for an elderly bed ridden patient who is dependent on staff most activities of daily living. There is an order for standard precautions in the patient's chart. The patient’s care plan includes feeding washing hair with dry shampoo brushing teeth and nail care which of the activities would require precaution?
A. Brushing teeth ✓ B. Feeding
C. Hair washing
D. Nail care

109) A 40 year-old woman present with painful leg cramps and muscle twitching, which wakens her at night. Her menstrual cycles are irregular and cause painful abdominal cramping. The hair, skin and nails appear dry and brittle (see lab results) Test Result Normal Values Calcium 2.09 2. 15- 2.62mmollL Phosphate, inorganic 1.69 0.82- 1.51mmollL Magnesium 0.55 0.7-1.0mmollL what type of lifelong diet would be most beneficial for this patient?

A. Increased magnesium and vitamin C.
B. Increased calcium and vitamin D ✓ C. Increased dairy and iron
D. High protein and high calorie

116) A 16-year-old girl developed an infection over the surface of the heart after having her nose pierced to place jewelry On admission, she had developed pyrexia of 38C, a heart murmur and petechiae over the whole body. She was admitted to the hospital and treated with intravenous antibiotics. The nurse explains to the patient that she is at high-risk for re-infection and provides discharge teaching on preventive measures. Which of the following would most likely require prophylactic treatment?

A. A pelvic examination
B. dental care ✓
C. bronchoscopy
D. urinary catheterization

154) 40-year-old women patient with Parkinsonism Medical Ward. The patient stated that she has the past two weeks. The nurse was

planning to which type of diet is most suitable for parkin?
A. Solid B. Liquid
C. Semi solid ✓ D. Clear liquid

سؤال الحديد وش تاخذ معاه ؟ فيتامين سي
برضو مريض سكر انخفض سكره تعطيه اورنج جوس
الوزن اللي مفروض تزيده حامل كتلة جسمها ١٩
سؤال مريض عنده parkinsonism
الاجابه الكورتيزول قليل

مين المريض اللي بتشوفينه اول
سكلر بيشنت ينقل دم من ساعه
او مريض عنده convulsions يستمر ٢٠ دقيقه بعد دواء مدري شسمه وهذا الخيار صح شي
او مريض عنده عملية بعد ساعه

وطبعا الام حق التسعه اطفال سؤالين

برضو سؤال المريض يبي الكير حقه بمزاجه
فاجابته انك تنسقين بين اللي يبيه و research
approach care

هذا اللي تذكرته .. ركزوا على مذكرة ايمان الـ ١٥٠٠ سؤال ججاء كثيييير منها

وادعوا لي بالباس هذا كل شي احتاجه تكفون
موفقين يارب

اليوم كان اختباري
التجميعات ٨٠٪؜ و٢٠٪؜ اسئلة جديدة لكن سهلة
جاني pyloric stenosis
والمسائل نسخ لصق واسئلة مس ايمان وسعيد نسخ لصق وجاني mother of nine حق disability
756 views17:55
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2021-12-21 09:37:24 816. What is a characteristic of an outstanding hospital vision?
A. Specific in scope
B. Easily understood
C. Focused on the past
D. Kept in a private place


*والمسائل كانت مباشرة
*والإدارة من المذكرات


771. A mother brought her 6-month-old healthy infant to the well-baby clinic which immunization should the nurse
anticipate to administer as per WHO recommendation?
A. Varicella (chicken pox)
B. Rotavirus and hepatitis
C. Measles , Mumps , Rubella
D. Diphtheria , Tetanus , pertussis


665. A nurse diagnosis a patient with readiness for the This diagnosis is classified within which of the Nursing
A. Acute nursing diagnoses
B. Risk nursing diagnoses
C. Wellness nursing diagnoses
D. Possible nursing diagnoses



A nurse I the medical surgical unital is review a plan of care elderly client with chronic obstruction pulmonary disease ( COPD) limited mobility . the nurse notes that the physical therapist change in the plan of care to progress ambulation from 50 to 100 times a day. Which action in necessary to ensure that the client need are?
A.Inform physical therapist of client respiratory status before progressing to ambulation
B.Instruct physical therapist not to proceed with ambulation
nurse presence
C.Inform physician about physical decision to ambulation
D.Cancel referral to physical therapist


918. Which f the following statements describe the function of Immunoglobulin (IgG).
A. It does not cross the placenta and is present in colostrum and breast milk
B. It protects against gastrointestinal and respiratory system infections
C. It provides temporary immunity to bacteria and toxins to which the mother has developed
D. It protects against gram negative bacteria and can be found cord blood


Patient with ABG PH 7.33 و HCO3 30 , PCO2 50?
A. Compensate respiratory
B. Compensate metabolic
C. Uncompensated respiratory
D. Uncompensated metabolic
987 views06:37
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2021-12-21 09:37:24 Which of the following method of feeding is recommended to promote with of this premature?
A. Enteral feeding of breast milk
B. Enteral feeding of premature formula
C. Oral breast feeding
D. Oral premature formula
324.The relative of a 25-year-old post-partum patient stopped her from taking bath until the 40 days provided
with the food by the family that was of saturated fat and a liter of reduced full asking, she said the diet was good
for the milk Which of the following should be the prioritized patient's understanding about?
A. A healthy and balanced diet is beneficial
B. Breast feed is not affected by mother's diet
C. Maintaining personal hygiene is most
D. Rest and relaxation is necessary to regain

اختباري 20/12

931. Azithromycin is prescribed for
an adolescent female who has pneumonia and recurrent chlamydia
What information is most important for the nurse to provide the
A. Use two forms of contraception while taking this drug
B. Have partners screened for human immunodeficiency
C. Decrease intake of high-fat foods, caffeine, and alcohol
D. Report a sudden onset arthralgia to the healthcare pro
1248.Staff reports to a charge nurse that they suspect temperature are being incorrectly measured by a certain
machine. Which of the following actions is the best for the charge nurse to take?
A. As those taking vital signs to compare result two different machines
B. Tell staff to obtain a machine another unit and use to take temperature
C. Spend time at shift change to personally assess the accuracy of machines
D. Call maintenance department and as them to pick up machine for repair


1201. Which of the following nursing intervention assists in the prevention of pressure ulcers following abdominal
A. Frequent surgery site every two hours
B. Frequent moisturizing of skin
C. Use side rails as restrains
D. Encourage ambulation


640. A 40-year-old women patient with Parkinsonism Medical Ward. The patient stated that she has the past two
weeks. The nurse was planning to Which type of diet is most suitable for parkin?
A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Semi solid
D. Clear liquid


370. A pregnant mother at early pregnancy was admitted in Emergency Room with
leakage of amniotic fluid, vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal cramping pain. What
is the possible diagnosis should the nurse suspected?
A. Missed
B. Inevitable
C. Incomplete
D. Threatened


1)Behaviour of
the child
(child 1)
The child
completes the
project on time
(child 2)
The child
forgets apart of
their uniform
(child 3)
The child
perform well
and gets 90%
(child 4)
The child
completely meal
on time
Responses on
the child's
The teacher
rewards for
The teacher
wants singly
instructs not to
repeat AGAIN
The teacher
doesn't appears
the child
The Maker gives
an ice cream to
the child
896. A school nurse is monitoring the behaviour of different children. Which child should the nurse expect to
show an aversive type of reinforcing stimulus (see image)?
A. Child 1
B. Child 2
C. Child 3
D. Child 4


280. A primigravida attend the antenatal clinic for her routine visit the nurse performed an abdominal palpitation
and found the fundus to be midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus what are the weeks of
gestation according to this findings ?
A. 8 Weeks
B. 16 weeks
C. 24 weeks
D. 28 weeks


436. Mother of nine children, three of them with congenital anomalies and
down syndrome she is a primary school graduate, with low financial status.
She is not using any. method of family planning Accordingly, the primary
health care nurse has referred her for counselling the following.
terms describe any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity?
A. Impairment
B. Abnormality
C. Handicapped
D. Disability

778 views06:37
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2021-12-21 09:37:24 _______
Patient old and with heart disease and hypoxia . He is 70kg . W hich tidal volume should you start ?
A. 400 ml
B. 620 ml
C. 560 ml D. 700 ml
Why is better for preventing use of powder for children after bathing ? A. Respiratory problems
B. Itching skin
C. Diarrhea
D. Skin dryness

Girl after eye surgery. She is irritable and try to remove sheld from eye. The nurse observed sweeling, Redness and tears around eye. What is the Nursing diagnosis?
A. Anxiety
B. Pain, sweeling after surgery
C. Risk for injury
The patient has skull fracture.

The patient is complaining racoon eye, pain,and posterior neck fracture what is the type of skull fracture?
A. Basilar
B. Depressed
C. Compound
D. Linear
1143) Child diagnosed with appendicitis. He will be have appendectomy. He was anxious and crying. The nurse was asking mother to calm him. His mother do behavior
that indicates there is misunderstanding for the procedure. Which of the following statement should the nurse correct to wrong behavior for the mother?
A. You should not cry. You are older.
B. Because You will be punished, you have the surgery
C. Explain to child pre-operative and postoperative procedure
1075) As a young manager, she knows that conflict occurs in any organization. Which
of the following statements regarding conflict is NOT true?
A. Can be destructive if the level is too high
B. Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all times
C. May result in poor performance
D. May create leaders
926)Patient in triage area. What is the first subjective data should triage nurse Obtain?
A. Chief compliance
B. Level of pain
C. Family history
445( The nurse received patient from Recovery room PACU. What is the first assessment should
the nurse observe?
A. Oxygen
B. Level of consciousness
975) Infant with tracheoesophageal fistula TOF. What is the signs that need suction for
A. Crying
B. Chocking and cyanosis
C. Increase heart rate
833)A child with a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot is scheduled.
to be discharged from the hospital the nurse planning
discharge education should instruct the caregivers that.
during a hyper cyanotic spell, the position MOST likely to
benefit the child is:
270) The nurse is assessing a child who has Tetralogy of Fallot observed that the child is
having clubbing in his fingernails Which of the flowing might be the reason for this
A. Prolonged tissue hypoxia
B. Delayed physical growth.
C. Inactive bone marrow
D. Pulmonary fibrosis
1045)A midwife visits a mother four weeks after delivery. The mother is breastfeeding her baby but she requests the midwife to suggest alternative formula milk as she has to return back to her job and her baby will stay in a day care center. Which of the following teaching plans is suitable for the mother?
A. Supplementary medications with bottle feeding
B. Combined schedule of the breastfeed and top feed
C. Hygiene practices with bottle feeding
D. How to express and save milk
1086. A 55 year patient stats states that he has difficulty in sleeping in the hospital because of the noise. The nurse
kept trying reassuring the patient but still cannot sleep.
To assist an adult patient to sleep better the nurse recommends which of the following?
A. Eating a large meal one hour before bedtime
B. Consuming a small glass of warm milk at bedtime
C. Performing mild exercise 30 minutes before going to bed
D. Administer a sedative, as ordered by physician
481. 24 weeks of gestation neonate is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Unit immediately after delivery with
respirator distress syndrome de 1.
hart rate 140 /min
respiratory rate 77 /min
Temperature 36.5
723 views06:37
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