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١ - #أهمية_طلب_العلم Importance of Seeking Knowledge : | المسلم الجديد New Muslim 💎

١ - #أهمية_طلب_العلم

Importance of Seeking Knowledge :

The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, said in an authentic narration (hadeeth):

“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

This obligation is not limited to a certain sex or class, but rather it is as much as an obligation upon women as it is for men, the young and the old, and the poor and the rich. Allah has raised the ranks and status of those who have knowledge.

Allah says: “Allah raises of those who believe and those who have been given knowledge many levels.” (Quran 58:11)

The Prophet described this in his saying:
“The excellence of a scholar over another (ordinary) worshipper is like the excellence of the full moon over the rest of the heavenly bodies.” (Abu Dawood)

He also said:
“The excellence of a scholar over another (ordinary) worshipper is like the excellence of me over the least of you.” (Al-Tirmidthi)

Why has Allah given such preference to those who have knowledge to those who do not?
The role of the Prophets was to impart knowledge to the creation, knowledge directly from our Creator, about His Self and Attributes, as well as how humans are to please Him and avoid His anger. Here we see the importance of knowledge in the life of a Muslim. In order that He worship Allah correctly, do deeds which please Allah and avoid what angers Him, the Muslim must seek knowledge. If they do not, they will live their entire lives doing things which might actually oppose the teachings of the religion, causing him to earn the punishment of Allah instead of His forgiveness.