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روز نهم از ۳۰ روز تمرین reading متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالا | Daily English Podcasts

روز نهم از ۳۰ روز تمرین reading
متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالاتی که در ادامه می‌ذاریم پاسخ بدید.
سطح متن: آپراینترمیدیت، پیشرفته
When most people read a book, newspaper, or magazine, they see the words as black marks on the page. This is not surprising given that ink in most publications is black. However, there is a group of people who do not see the words in front of them as black. Instead they might say that the number 4 is blue or the word gift is green. Others might say that the pain from a headache is orange, the flavor of sugar round, or a sniff of a bouquet of roses pink. What's going on here? According to neuroscientists, these people have a condition called synesthesia. The word synesthesia comes from the Greek words syn (meaning together) and aesthesis (meaning perception) and means "joined perception." All humans have five senses-touch, vision, hearing, taste, and smell-and typically these are clearly separated from one another. However, for a person with synesthesia the boundaries between the senses are weak. So one sense, for example, sound, may seep across to another sense such as sight, so that the sound of an orchestra playing might be seen as green wobbly lines. This combination-an auditory stimulation accompanied by a visual sensation-is the most common type of synesthesia. Any simultaneous combination of two or more senses is considered a form of synesthesia. Neurologist Richard Cytowic became interested in this phenomenon after he found out his neighbor tasted shapes. Cytowic was convinced he should take a deeper look when less than two weeks later he encountered a colleague who saw the sound of his hospital pager as red lightning bolts. Cytowic and other scientists believe that synesthesia is not an abnormality. In fact, we all may experience synesthesia at birth. It is only when our brain develops that the boundaries between each of our senses become more refined. People with synesthesia, on the other hand, retain these indistinct boundaries throughout their lives.

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From Focus on Vocabulary book