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Shaykh ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said: وأما طلب حفظ ا | Gems & Benefits 📚💭

Shaykh ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said:

وأما طلب حفظ القرآن فهو مقدمٌ على كثير مما تسميه الناس علمًا وهو إما باطل أو قليل النفع. وهو أيضًا مقدم في التعلم في حق من يريد أن يتعلم علم الدين من الأصول والفروع، فإن المشروع في حق مثل هذا في هذه الاوقات أن يبدأ بحفظ القرآن؛ فإنه أصل علوم الدين. ‌‏بخلاف ما يفعله كثير من أهل البدع من الأعاجم وغيرهم حيث يشتغل أحدهم بشيء من: فضول العلم من الكلام أو الجدل والخلاف أو الفروع النادرة والتقليد الذي لا يحتاج إليه أو غرائب الحديث التي لا تثبت ولا ينتفع بها وكثير من الرياضيات التي لا تقوم بها حجة، ويترك حفظ القرآن الذي هو أهم من ذلك كله. والمطلوب من القرآن: هو فهم معانيه، والعمل به، فإن لم تكن هذه همة حافظه، لم يكن من أهل العلم والدين، والله سبحانه أعلم

"As for seeking to memorise the Qur’ān, then this is to be given preference over many of the things that the people consider to be knowledge, but are in reality, either totally useless, or of little benefit.

It is also to be given precedence in learning especially by those who wish to acquire knowledge of the Deen, its uṣūl (principles) and its furū' (detailed branches). Since what is prescribed for such a person at this time is that he should begin by memorising the Qur’ān, as it is the foundation of all knowledge of the religion.

This is contrary to what is done by many of the people of innovation and other than them, in that one of them will preoccupy himself with superfluous parts of knowledge; such as 'ilm ul-kalām (speculative theology) and argumentation; or very rare matters of differences; and blind following which there is no need for; or very strange and rare aḥādīth which are not established, nor of benefit; and many discussions (that) do not have any established proofs. And he abandons memorising the Qur’ān which is more important than all of this.

What should be sought from the Qur'ān is: understanding its meanings, and acting upon it, and if that is not the goal of his memorisation, then he will not (ever) be from the people of knowledge and religion. And Allāh knows best."

[Majmū' al-Fatāwā, 23/54-55]