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Ibn Jamā'ah رحمه الله said: أن يبتدئ أولاً بكتاب الله العزيز | Gems & Benefits 📚💭

Ibn Jamā'ah رحمه الله said:

أن يبتدئ أولاً بكتاب الله العزيز فيتقنه حفظاً ويجتهد على إتقان تفسيره وسائر علومه فإنه أصل العلوم وأمها وأهمها. ثم يحفظ من كل فن مختصراً يجمع فيه بين طرفيه من الحديث وعلومه والأصول والنحو والتصريف

"He (the student) begins first with the Book of Allāh and memorising it with precision, and strives to perfect its tafsīr (i.e. interpretation) and its sciences, for it is the foundation of all knowledge, it is the mother (of knowledge), and the most important (branch) of it.

Then he should memorise a comprehensive and summarised text in each branch of knowledge, in Ḥadīth and it's (related) sciences, in Uṣūl, in Arabic grammar, and in Ṣarf (morphology)."

[Tadhkirah al-Sāmi' wal-Mutakallim fī-Adab al-'Ālim wal-Muta'allim, p. 112]