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لوگوی کانال تلگرام examsbatch20 — Exams intermediate📘 E
لوگوی کانال تلگرام examsbatch20 — Exams intermediate📘
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For batch 20,medicine,UST ♥️

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2022-02-07 17:29:02 Marki
Veins of lower limb :-
1) Femoral Vein:
- great saphenous
- deep vein of the thigh
- popliteal vein
2) great saphenous:
- superficial epigastric vein
- superficial circumflex iliac vein
- superficial external pudendal
- accessory saphenous vein
3) popliteal vein:
- small saphenous vein
- posterior tibial vein
1.0K viewsRwanii , 14:29
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2022-02-07 17:29:01 Marki
Arteries of the Lower Limb :-
1) Femoral Artery :
- Profunda femoris
- superficial epigastric
- superficial circumflex iliac
- superficial external pudendal
- deep external pudendal
- descending genicular
2) Profunda femoris:
- medial circumflex
- lateral circumflex
- perforating arteries
3) obturator artery:
- anterior branch
- posterior branch
4) popliteal Artery:
- superior genicular (medial & lateral)
- middle genicular
- inferior genicular (medial & lateral)
- anterior tibial
- posterior tibial
5) Anterior Tibial:
- posterior tibial recurrent
- anterior tibial recurrent
- muscular branches
- anterior medial malleolar
- anterior lateral malleolar
- continue as dorsalis pedis
6) posterior tibial Artery:
- fibular artery
- circumflex fibular
- nutrient
- muscular
- malleolar
- calcaneal
- medial planter
- lateral planter
7) Dorsalis pedis:
- medial tarsal
- lateral tarsal
- arcuate
- 1st dorsal metatarsal
- 1st plantar metatarsal
1.0K viewsRwanii , 14:29
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2022-02-07 17:29:01 Marki :-
Pulsation sites of lower limb arteries:-
1)Femoral Artery:
-Mid inguinal point
2)Popliteal Artery:
- popliteal fossa
3)posterior tibial Artery:
-between middle malleolus and calcaneus
4)Dorsalis pedis Artery:
- between tendons of Extensor hallucis longus & Extensor digitorum longus
991 viewsRwanii , 14:29
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2022-02-07 17:29:01 Marki :-
Innervation of upper limb ( brachial plexus):-
1)Branches from the root :-
A)dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
B)long thoracic nerve (C5,6,7)
2)branches from upper trunck :-
A)nerve to subclavius (C5,6)
B)suprascapular nerve (C5,6)
3)branches from lateral cord :-
A)lateral pectoral nerve (C5,6,7)
B)musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6,7)
C)lateral root of median nerve
4)branches from medial cord :-
A)medial pectoral nerve (C8,T1)
B)medial cutaneous nerve of arm (T1)
C)medial cutaneous nerve of forearm(C8,T1)
D)ulnar nerve (C8,T1)
E)medial root of median nerve
5)branches from posterior cord :-
A)upper&lower subscapular nerve(C5,6)
B)thoracodorsal nerve (C6,7,8)
C)axillary nerve (C8,T1)
D)radial nerve (C5,6,7,8,T1)
Lateral root from lateral cord+medial root from medial cord=median nerve(C5,6,7,8,T1)
938 viewsRwanii , 14:29
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2022-02-07 17:29:01 Marki .:
Joints of the thorax:-
1) Intervertebral disc: secondary cartilagenous
2) Manubriosternal: secondary cartilagenous
3) costochondral: primary cartilaginous
4) sternocostal: 1st rib primary cartilaginous the rest synovial
5) xiphisternal: primary cartilaginous
6) costovertebral: synovial plane
7) interchondral: synovial plane
8) sternoclavicular: synovial saddle

Joints of upper limb:-
1) shoulder joint: synovial ball and socket
2) elbow joint: synovial hinge
3) proximal and distal radioulnar: synovial pivot
4) wrist joint: synovial condyloid
5) carpometacarpal: synovial saddle and plane
6) metacarbophalengeal: synovial condyloid
7) interphalangeal: synovial hinge.
8) acromioclavicular: synovial plane
867 viewsRwanii , 14:29
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2022-02-07 17:29:01 Marki :
Branches of Main Arteries in thorax and upper limb :
1) Right coronary artery:
- right conus
- right marginal
- posterior interventricular
- atrial branch
- ventricular branch
- SA node branch
- AV node branch
2) Left coronary artery:
- Anterior interventricular
- Left conus
- Left marginal
- atrial branch
- ventricular branch
- circumflex
3) Subclavian artery:
-1st part: Vertebral, internal thoracic, thyrocervical trunk which gives (inferior thyroid, suprascapular, superficial cervical)
-2nd part:((in the right side)) costocervical trunk
-3rd part: dorsal scapular
4) Internal thoracic:
- anterior intercostal
- mediastinal
- perforating
- pericardiophrenic
- superior epigastric
- musculophrenic
5) Axillary Artery:
-1st part : superior thoracic
-2nd part: thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic
-3rd part: subscapular, anterior and posterior circumflex humeral.
6) Brachial Artery:
-Profunda brachii gives ( middle and radial collateral)
- humeral nutrient
- superior ulnar collateral
- inferior ulnar collateral
Terminal branches (radial and ulnar)
7) Radial Artery:
- radial recurrent
- muscular
- superficial palmar branch
- dorsal carpal branch
8) Ulnar Artery:
- anterior Ulnar recurrent
- posterior ulnar recurrent
- common interosseous which gives ( interosseous recurrent, anterior and posterior interosseous)
- muscular
- two small carpal branches
- deep palmar branch
940 viewsRwanii , 14:29
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2022-02-07 17:27:39
989 viewsRwanii , 14:27
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2022-02-07 17:27:39
1.0K viewsRwanii , 14:27
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