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How to be good at English language

لوگوی کانال تلگرام mbdrkhlf — How to be good at English language H
لوگوی کانال تلگرام mbdrkhlf — How to be good at English language
آدرس کانال: @mbdrkhlf
دسته بندی ها: زبان ها
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 2.75K

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2021-09-14 23:04:32 Three-year-old Teddy Lasry was napping yesterday in his cowboy outfit yesterday at his family's Fifth Ave. apartment when he shot up in bed screaming. A 3-foot-long black-and-white snake was coiled around his left arm and had just bitten his pinky.
"The baby-sitter freaked out," said Teddy's father, David Lasry, who, along with his wife, Evelyn, was at work when the reptile showed up about 4 p.m.
The horrified nanny called 911 and the building's doorman. The doorman and two cable TV workers helped pry the snake off the boy's arm and stow it in a garbage bag, Lasry said.
Police rushed Teddy to Mount Sinai Medical Center, where his parents said he spent two hours attached to a heart monitor as a precaution in case the snake was poisonous.
It wasn't. Experts at the snakebite treatment center at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, where cops took the critter, determined it was a non-venomous California king snake.
But how did it end up in Teddy's bed?
A little sleuthing determined that the serpent had escaped two weeks ago from its cage in the apartment of a doctor whose family lives four floors below the Lasrys. The apologetic owner said his son's pet snake likely traveled up the radiator pipes and into his neighbor's apartment.
103 viewsHALLA, 20:04
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2021-09-14 21:44:20 كتاب-أشهر-1000-كلمة-في-اللغة-الانجليزية.pdf
128 viewsسبحان الله وبحمده, 18:44
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2021-09-14 18:14:50 The first time I met Jordan Peterson was on September 12, 2004, at the home
of two mutual friends, TV producer Wodek Szemberg and medical internist
Estera Bekier. It was Wodek’s birthday party. Wodek and Estera are Polish
émigrés who grew up within the Soviet empire, where it was understood that
many topics were off limits, and that casually questioning certain social
arrangements and philosophical ideas (not to mention the regime itself) could
mean big trouble.
But now, host and hostess luxuriated in easygoing, honest talk, by having
elegant parties devoted to the pleasure of saying what you really thought and
hearing others do the same, in an uninhibited give-and-take. Here, the rule
was “Speak your mind.” If the conversation turned to politics, people of
different political persuasions spoke to each other—indeed, looked forward
to it—in a manner that is increasingly rare. Sometimes Wodek’s own
opinions, or truths, exploded out of him, as did his laugh. Then he’d hug
whoever had made him laugh or provoked him to speak his mind with greater
intensity than even he might have intended. This was the best part of the
parties, and this frankness, and his warm embraces, made it worth provoking
him. Meanwhile, Estera’s voice lilted across the room on a very precise path
towards its intended listener.
170 viewsHALLA, 15:14
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2021-09-14 13:24:01 The Loveliest Rose in the World

A beautiful queen grew only roses in her garden. Yellow, white, pink and red, they dotted her garden and spread their sweet fragrance all around.

One day, ‘the queen fell very sick. Many doctors were called. “Bring her the loveliest rose. It is the symbol of the purest and brightest love on earth,” said all. The queen’s courtiers searched the entire earth but could not find any such rose.

Meanwhile, the queen’s health only worsened day by day and she neared her end.

Then one day, the queen’s little son showed her a book that he had just read. He read out the lines from the book and said, “Mother, here is the man whose love was so great that he suffered death to save mankind.” A rosy hue spread across the queen’s cheeks as she listened to the lines. As soon as she laid her eyes on the book, she saw the vision of Jesus springing forth like a red rose.
146 viewsHALLA, 10:24
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2021-09-14 09:07:32
166 viewsBrave Heart, 06:07
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2021-09-14 06:37:42
Mike Tyson

Fear is my friend, I love fear .
155 viewsBrave Heart, 03:37
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2021-09-14 06:29:59
Write new vocabularies you got by this video.
154 viewsBrave Heart, edited  03:29
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2021-09-14 01:26:54
160 viewsBrave Heart, 22:26
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2021-09-13 18:59:21 Strong Wind

This is a story that comes from an Indian tribe that lived on the East Coast of Canada. Once, there was a man called Strong Wind who had a great power. He could make himself invisible and move silently. Everyone looked up to Strong Wind. When he went into an enemy's camp, they would hear nothing but the wind. It was no problem for him to look through their camp and learn all their plans.

One day, Strong Wind made up his mind to choose a wife. Of course, it made sense that many women would want to marry a powerful man. He had to look out for women who only wanted power. Strong Wind decided to make use of his power to find the right woman. Only a woman with a pure heart would be able to see him.

Strong Wind lived with his sister near the sea. He told his sister, "Bring any woman who wants to be my wife to the beach in the evening. You can always see me when I am coming home. Ask the woman if she can see me. I will marry the first woman who sees me."

Many women looked for Strong Wind, but they could never see him. Now and then some women would say, "Yes, I can see him!" Then the sister would ask, "What does he pull his sled with?" The women would try to make up an answer but they were never right.

The chief of the tribe had three daughters. They all looked forward to their chance to see Strong Wind. The youngest daughter was very kind and pretty. She made friends with many people. The two older daughters were jealous of their little sister and looked down on her. They made her wear rags. Then they made fun of her because she looked like a beggar. However, the youngest daughter tried to make the most of her situation. She never complained or hated her sisters even though they never tried to make up with her.

The older daughters went to try and become Strong Wind's wife. They both failed. Then the youngest daughter tried. When the sister saw Strong Wind coming, she asked, "Can you see him?"

The young woman said, "Yes."
"What does he pull his sled with?"
"He pulls his sled with a rainbow."

This was the right answer! Strong Wind's sister took the young woman home and gave her a beautiful new dress. Strong Wind's sister told her to make herself at home in the tent. Strong Wind knew that she was the right woman. They were married the next day.

Later, Strong Wind wanted to make up for the bad things that the woman's sisters had done. Strong Wind used his power to turn the two bad sisters into aspen trees. That is why today the leaves of aspen trees shake even in a little wind. They remember Strong Wind's power and are afraid.
202 viewsHALLA, 15:59
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2021-09-13 16:22:28 حوالي 36 معلومة غريبه في بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية

1- من اسرار حفظ الكلمات بشكل جيد على سبيل المثال كلمة engine معناها محرك سيارة بإضافه er يصبح معناها ..مهندس وبعد إضافة ing يصبح معناها .. الهندسة ..

2- أن حرف (p) لا ينطق في كل الكلمات الانجليزيه اذا أتى بعدها حرف n.

3- أن الفعل born ليس له تصريف أول ولا ثاني.

4- كلمة queue والتي تعنى (الطابور) تُنطق بنفس الطريقة عند إزالة أخر أربع حروف .

5- يطلق على يوم بعد الغد كلمة “over tomorrow“.

6- سميت النسور الشهباء بكلمة “Balde” وكانت تلك الكلمة تعنى اللون الأبيض في اللغة الإنجليزية القديمة .
7- حرف ال S هو الحرف الأكثر وورداً في بدايات الكلمات الإنجليزية.

8- إن كلمة أخبار (News) مشتقة من الحرف الأول لأسماء الجهات الأساسية الأربع باللغة الإنجليزية وهي
North = N
East = E
West = W
South = S

9- كلمتي “I” و “you” هما أكثر كلمتان شيوعا في اللغة الإنجليزية .

10- اُشتقت كلمة “goodbye” من جملة تعود إلى اللغة الإنجليزية القديمة وهي
“god be with you“.

11- كلمة Aquabob هي الاسم القديم للثلج.

12- كلمة scissor كانت تعني محاربا رومانيا بسيفين أو مديتين.

13- معنى To jirble “سكب السائل أثناء صبه بسبب اهتزاز اليد”.

14- توجد بعض الكلمات التي تعمل على ملأ فراغات الكلام أثناء التحدث مثل “like” و “basically”، وهي يطلق عليها اسم كلمات العكاز (ومن الأفضل تجنب استعمالها) .

15- الكلمة الإنجليزية الوحيدة التي تحتوى على الحروف الآتية x, y, z ” هي كلمة “Hydroxyzine“.

16- هذه الكلمات’idiot,’ ‘imbecile,’ and ‘moron(أحمق و أبله ومعتوه) كانت تصنيفات طبية تطلق على الإعاقة الفكرية .

17- إن كلمة battologize تعني “تكرار كلمة بصورة فجة في محادثة ما مما يفقدها معناها وتأثيرها.

18- ليس في القاموس الانجليزي كله كلمه تبدأ بحرفي pm (بغض النظر عن الاختصارات).

19- كانت كلمة” Hypocrites” (المنافقين) تطلق على الممثلين حتى القرن التاسع عشر .

20- كلمة girl وتعني فتاة، كانت في الاستخدام الأول تشير إلى الطفل أو الشخص الصغير من أي سواء ولد او فتاة. أصل الكلمة ليس معروف تحديدا ولكن يظن انه يأتي من اللغة الألمانية gör والتي تعني طفل.

21- تعتبر الكلمة الإنجليزية ““IRONIC ( ساخر) من أكثر الكلمات التي تُستعمل بشكل خاطئ في اللغة الإنجليزية . 

22- أن أقصر الكلمات في اللغة الإنجليزية هي I وتعني انا للمتكلم

23- تعتبر كلمة”  “Screeched أطول الكلمات الإنجليزية التي تتكون من مقطع واحد .

24- أن الكلمات التي تبدأ بحرف X) ) هي أقل الكلمات في اللغه الانجليزيه حيث أنها لا تتجاوز نصف صفحه في القاموس؛تقريبا

25- اُشتقت كلمة “bride” (العروس) من كلمة برتو جرمانية قديمة، وتعنى طهي الطعام .

26- تأتى كلمة “cool” من الكلمة الإفريقية“itutu”  وقد انتشرت تلك الكلمة في أمريكا أثناء تجارة الرقيق وانتشار العبودية .

27- تمتلك كلمة “set” أكبر عدد من التعريفات .

28- كلمة motel جاءت من تزاوج الكلمتين motorcar بمعنى سيارة وكلمة Hotel بمعنى فندق، والكلمة أضافت معنى جديد وهو الفندق الكائن على الطريق العام.

29- أطول كلمة فى اللغة الانجليزية تحتوي على 28 حرف وهي
وتعني الانشقاقية.

30- كلمة " dreamt " الكلمة الإنجليزية الوحيدة التي تنتهي بحرف " mt " وهي التصريف الثاني والثالث للفعل dream ..

31- تعتبر كلمة " Rhythms " أطول كلمة انجليزية لا تحتوي على حروف علة .

32- عرف صامويل جونسون كلمة sock بأنها شيء تضعه بين قدمك وحذائك.

33- اُخترعت كلمة“Ok”  عام 1839 وذلك عندما قامت إحدى الصحف بإطلاق اختصار مضحك لها وهو “oll correct”.

34- تم اشتقاق كلمة (Muscle) من الكلمة اللاتينية (musculus) والتي تعنى العضلات الصغيرة، لأنه كان يُعتقد أن العضلات الصغيرة في ذلك الوقت تشبه الفار الصغير .

35- كلمة schoolmaster هي إعادة ترتيب لأحرف the classroom.

36- كلمة Noon مشتقة من نظيرتها اللاتينية novem بمعنى “تسعة”، والمقصود بها الساعة التاسعة في اليوم الروماني (الثالثة عصرا).
231 viewsHALLA, 13:22
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