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English Agency

لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency E
لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency
آدرس کانال: @englishagency
دسته بندی ها: زبان ها , دستهبندی نشده
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 13.18K
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زبان انگلیسی را سریع و آسان بیاموزید!
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آخرین پیام ها 128

2022-06-21 16:50:48

آدمها رو دنبال نكن. خودت باش، كار خودت رو انجام بده و سخت تلاش كن. آدمهاى مناسب، كسانى كه واقعا به زندگيتان تعلق دارند، خواهند آمد و خواهند ماند.

420 views13:50
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2022-06-21 14:48:32 Podcast
Daily Life_Baby, I'm sorry

Key Vocabulary

maybe it is time we: perhaps it is time for us to do something

don’t appreciate: don’t like

where this (relationship) is going: what stage this relationship is in

we have had our (laughs): we have experienced (our happy days)

love: have strong affection to someone

awesome: amazing, great

in love with: feel strong romantic affection for someone

can we talk: phrase used if one must talk about serious things

dump (someone): end a relationship with someone

break (someone’s) heart: hurt someone’s feelings very badly; hurt someone emotionally

a heart to heart: a honest, emotional talk

ex: former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife

partner: a person who you are in a long-term relationship with

416 views11:48
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2022-06-21 14:48:27 Podcast
Daily Life - Baby, I’m Sorry

Can we talk?

Sure, honey, we’re talking now, aren’t we?

You know what I mean.

Yeah. I know.

I want to know where this relationship is going. I’m in love with you and I need to know...

You know, I think you’re awesome.

I’m awesome. Well, I guess that’s my answer, isn’t it.


Look, if you don’t love me, it’s not a thing, alright, we’ve had our laughs, but I don’t appreciate... maybe it’s just time we...

Baby, I love you so much.

You do?

I love you. And I think you’re awesome.

Oh, I love you too!

Come on. Put the gun down.

Oh baby, I’m so sorry.

366 views11:48
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2022-06-21 12:26:08
Setup or set up?

Verb : You'll have to set up the chairs for the puppet show.

Adjective :Unfortunately,there is no setup manual for a puppet show.

Noun : The setup will take you all day.

434 views09:26
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2022-06-21 08:15:19 English Synonyms (Tests + Answer Keys) – 2006, 72 pages

کلمات مترادف در زبان انگلیسی – تست‌های چهارگزینه‌ای + پاسخ – از سطح ابتدایی تا پیشرفته

121 views05:15
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2022-06-20 19:22:56
Common mistakes

Don't say: I have great confidence to you.
Say: I have great confidence in you.

Don't say: Our class is composed from thirty students.
Say: Our class is composed of thirty students.

Don't say: Annette complained for the weather.
Say: Annette complained about the weather.

Don't say: He traveled with the train yesterday.
Say: He traveled by train yesterday.

Don't say: James boasted for his strength.
Say: James boasted of (or about) his strength.

Don't say: Elke is very careful for her health.
say: Elke is very careful of/about his health

Don't say: We believe to God.
Say: We believe in God.

Don't say: We arrived to the village at night.
Say: We arrived at the village at night.

Don't say: He's now ashamed from his conduct.
Say: He's now ashamed of his conduct.

The girl is afraid from the dog.
The girl is afraid of the dog.

The teacher was angry from him.
The teacher was angry with him.

He got angry from the weather.
He got angry at the weather.

We arrived to the hotel at night
We arrived at the hotel at night

290 views16:22
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2022-06-20 16:47:25 Conversation
Party Time

246 viewsedited  13:47
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2022-06-20 16:47:15
Party Time

John: We're going to a party tonight. Do you want to join us?
Sara: No, I can't. I have to finish my homework.
John: Do you have a lot of homework?
Sara: Yes. I have a math test tomorrow too.
John: That's too bad. It's supposed to be a big party.
Sara: I wish I could go, but I'm so behind in my classes.
John: Why are you so behind?
Sara: I was sick for a few days and missed several classes.
John: Do you need help studying?
Sara: No. I just need to focus on my school work.

جان: امشب قراره یه مهمونی برگزار کنیم. می خوای به ما بپیوندی؟
سارا: نه، نمی تونم. باید تکالیفم رو تموم کنم.
جان: تکالیف زیادی داری؟
سارا: آره. به علاوه یه امتحان ریاضی هم دارم فردا.
جان: خیلی بد شد. قراره یه مهمونی بزرگ و باشکوه باشه.
سارا: کاشکی می تونستم برم، ولی خیلی از کلاس هام عقب موندم.
جان: چرا خیلی عقب افتادی؟
سارا: چند روزی مریض بودم و چند تا کلاس رو از دست دادم.
جان: نیاز به کمک داری تو درس خوندن؟
سارا: نه. فقط لازمه رو کار مدرسه تمرکز کنم.

247 views13:47
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2022-06-20 13:48:30
چهار جمله کاربردی روزمره

288 views10:48
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2022-06-20 13:46:37

Waste not, want not

Possible meaning :
If we do not waste things we will not be short of things. If we use our resources carefully, we shall never be in need.

Note :

waste (verb) = use carelessly, extravagantly |
want (verb - mainly archaic) = lack; be short of; not have; be in need of

297 views10:46
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