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English Agency

لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency E
لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency
آدرس کانال: @englishagency
دسته بندی ها: زبان ها , دستهبندی نشده
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 13.18K
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آخرین پیام ها 131

2022-06-14 18:47:39 Conversation
Parking at school

280 views15:47
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2022-06-14 18:47:34
Parking at school

A: Can you tell me where I can park?
B: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile?
A: I drive an automobile.
B: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. Do you know what a handicapped space is?
A: Yes, I have seen those spots.
B: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped logo, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening?
A: I park in the evenings.
B: Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Have you seen those signs?
A: Yes, I have seen those signs.
B: The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. Do you know how to read the curb colors?
A: Yes, I know what the curb colors mean.
B: Well, just as long as you realize that red means no parking and white means loading and unloading, I think you know what you need to know.

می تونی بهم بگی کجا می تونم پارک کنم؟
سوار موتورسیکلت می شی یا ماشین سواری؟
ماشین سواری.
خوبه. می تونی یا تو پارکینگ دانش آموزان پارک کنی یا تو خیابون. می دونی محوطه و فضای مختص افراد معلول چیه؟
آره. چنین فضاهایی رو دیده ام.
خوب، وقتی محل های به رنگ آبی رو ببینی که آرم افراد معلول رو داره، اونجا پارک نکن مگه اینکه مجوز مخصوصی داشته باشی. روز ماشینت رو پارک می کنی یا عصر؟
عصرها پارک می کنم
خوب پس باید از محدودیت های زمانی که در علامت های واقع در خیابون هستش، مطلع باشی. اون علامت ها رو دیده ای؟
آره. اون علائم را دیده ام
علامت ها همیشه بهت میگن تا کی می تونی اونجا پارک کنی و تو چه روزهایی. می دونی چطوری باید علامت های رنگی واقع در جدول خیابون رو بخونی و بفهمی؟
آره، می دونم منظورشون چی هست.
خوب، همین که بدونی قرمز به معنی عدم اجازه داشتن برای پارک و سفید به معنی سوار کردن و پیاده کردن مسافر هست، به گمونم چیزی رو که باید بدونی، می دونی و ازش آگاهی.

298 views15:47
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2022-06-14 18:47:26
چهار جمله کاربردی روزمره

273 views15:47
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2022-06-14 11:30:54

vac (2)

Meaning : a vacuum cleaner (n.) | to clean with a vacuum cleaner (v.)

For example :

Madge loves her new vac. She says she can vac the whole house in half the time it took with her old one.

Have you vacced the bedrooms yet?

94 views08:30
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2022-06-14 09:32:47
٣ اشتباه رایج در مکالمه تلفنی

172 views06:32
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2022-06-13 19:42:07

When you want to return to your point

What was I saying?
Where was I?
What were we talking about?
I've lost my train of thought for a moment.
I'm a little absent-minded.

298 views16:42
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2022-06-13 16:25:06 Podcast
Daily life_ silence please!

Key Vocabulary

inconsiderate: not thinking of the feelings of other people; not thoughtful

not such a big deal: not a big problem

can’t hear a thing: unable to hear

keep it down: be quiet

switch off: turn off

do you mind: could you please

noisy: very loud

rude: impolite

to disturb: to interrupt, bother, or upset

to interrupt: to speak or make noise when someone else is speaking

to whisper: to speak very softly

331 views13:25
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2022-06-13 16:25:00 Podcast (Dialogue)
Daily life _Silence please!

A: Those people in front of us are making so much noise. It’s so inconsiderate!

B: Don’t worry about it; it’s not such a big deal.

A: Oh... I can’t hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep it down?

C: Sure, sorry ’bout that!

A: Someone’s phone is ringing!

B: Honey, I think it’s your phone. Did you forget to switch it off?

A: Oh, no! You’re right. That’s so embarrassing!

C: Do you mind keeping it down? I’m trying to watch a movie here.

230 views13:25
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2022-06-13 11:47:06
آموزش کلمات و افعال با فیلم

347 views08:47
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2022-06-13 10:33:43


: to fire someone from a job, to dismiss

For example :

I just heard that Jim's been sacked. How come he lost his job?

The company was losing money so they had to sack about twenty workers.

Note :can also used as a noun, but only with the definite article "the", as in "she gave him the sack" or "he got the sack"

378 views07:33
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