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English Agency

لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency E
لوگوی کانال تلگرام englishagency — English Agency
آدرس کانال: @englishagency
دسته بندی ها: زبان ها , دستهبندی نشده
زبان: فارسی
مشترکین: 13.18K
توضیحات از کانال

زبان انگلیسی را سریع و آسان بیاموزید!
اصطلاحات،مکالمه،داستان،نکات گرامی،لغات همراه با
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ارتباط با آدمین جهت تبادل،ترجمه،تدریس در فضای‌مجازی و تبلیغات با قیمت مناسب.

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آخرین پیام ها 129

2022-06-20 08:35:46
چطور به انگلیسی بگیم کاری ٢۴ ساعته در حال انجام هست

367 views05:35
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2022-06-19 19:43:13


در زبان فارسی، بعد از یه وقفه وسط صحبت، وقتی بخواییم به نکته ای که در مورد آن حرف میزدیم اشاره کنیم از عباراتی با مفاهیم " کجا بودم؟" ، "چی میگفتم؟" ، "از ذهنم پرید!" استفاده میکنیم.اگه بخواهیم به انگلیسی این عبارات رو بگیم، چطور میگیم؟؟

What was I saying?
Where was I?
What were we talking about?
I'm a little absent-minded
I've lost my train of thought for a moment.

407 views16:43
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2022-06-19 16:27:57 Short Story
The Jeans

353 views13:27
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2022-06-19 16:27:51

Short Story
The Jeans

The year is 1853, and the place is California. People are coming to California from many countries. They are looking for gold. They think that they are going to get rich. Levi Strauss is one of these people .He’s twenty-four years old, and he want to get rich too . He is from Germany. He has cloth from Germany to make tents for the gold miners .
A man asks him: What are you going to do with that cloth?

Strauss answers: I’m going to make tents .
The man says: I don’t need a tent, but I want a strong pair of pants. Look at my pants they’re full of holes
Levi makes a pair of pants from the strong cloth. The man is happy with the pants. They’re a big success. Soon everyone wants a pair of pants just like the man’s pair. Levi makes one more, ten more hundreds more thousands more. That’s the history of your jeans .

داستان شلوار جین

سال 1853 مردم از برخی کشورها به کالیفرنیا می آمدند.آنها به دنبال طلا میگشتند.آنها به پولدار شدن فکر میکردند.لیوای استروس یکی از آنها بود.او 24 سال داشت و آلمانی تبار بود و نیز مانند بقیه به دنبال پولدار شدن و کشف طلا
او پارچه ای از کشور آلمان برای ساخت چادر (خیمه گاه) در معدن طلا با خود آورده بود.
مردی از او پرسید: میخواهی با این پارچه چه کار کنی؟
او گفت: میخواهم چادر (خیمه گاه) بسازم.
مرد گفت: من به چادر نیاز ندارم اما من یک شلوار خیلی مقاوم لازم دارم! شلوار من رو نگاه کن.پر از سوراخ است!
لیوای استروس شلواری از آن پارچه ی مقاوم ساخت.آن مرد بابت شلوار خوشحال شد. آنها به یک موفقیت بزرگ دست پیدا کردند.به زودی تک تک مردم خواستار شلواری فقط با جنس آن پارچه ی آلمانی شدند! لیوای از آن شلوار ده ها ، صد ها و هزار ها ساخت. و این بود داستان ساخت و پیدایش شلوار جین شما.

383 views13:27
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2022-06-19 15:46:43

349 views12:46
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2022-06-19 11:21:03


Meaning : crazy, insane, mad

For example :

Have you met Judy's sister? She's really hard to talk to, and she gets this crazy look in her eye sometimes. I think she's a bit wacko.

Bernie reckons anyone who really thinks the world was made in a few days about five thousand years ago must be wacko.

411 views08:21
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2022-06-19 09:05:30
در بخش نوشتاری آزمون آیلتس بجای واژه " a lot of" از چه واژه های دیگر میتوان استفاده کرد؟

421 views06:05
باز کردن / نظر دهید
2022-06-18 19:48:50
Common mistakes

Don't say: When I will arrive, I will call you.
Say: When I arrive, I will call you.

Don't say: My husband has got a new work.
Say: My husband has got a new job. (or just "has a new job")

Don't say: She doesn’t listen me.
Say: She doesn’t listen to me.

Don't say: You speak English good.
Say: You speak English well.

Wrong use of "the" with abstract nouns.

Don't say: The bravery is a great virtue.
Say: Bravery is a great virtue.

Don't say: The police is coming.
Say: The police are coming.

Don't say: The house isn’t enough big.
Say: The house isn’t big enough.

Don't say: You should not to smoke.
Say: You should not smoke.

Don't say: Do you like a glass of milk?
Say: Would you like a glass of milk?

Don't say: I didn’t meet nobody.
Say: I didn’t meet anybody.

Don't say: My flight departs in 5:00 am.
Say: My flight departs at 5:00 am.

Don't say: I promise I call you next week.
Say: I promise I’ll call you next week.

Don't say: Where is post office?
Say: Where is the post office?

Wear vs Put on

Don't say: Kathy always puts on black shoes.
Say: Kathy always wears black shoes.

Don't say: I wear my clothes in the morning.
Say: I put on my clothes in the morning

Don't say: We studied during four hours.
Say: We studied for four hours.

Don't say: How many childrens you have?
Say: How many children do you have?

Don't say: My brother has 10 years.
Say: My brother is 10 (years old).

Don't say: I want eat now.
Say: I want to eat now.

Don't say: You are very nice, as your mother.
Say: You are very nice, like your mother.

Don't say: She said me that she saw you.
Say: She told me that she saw you.

Don't say: My husband engineer.
Say: My husband is an engineer.

Don't say: I came Australia to study English.
Say: I came to Australia to study English.

Don't say: It is more hot now.
Say: It’s hotter now.

Don't say: Can you give me an information?
Say: Can you give me some information?

Don't say: "They cooked the dinner themself."
Say: "They cooked the dinner themselves."

Don't say: Me and Johnny live here.
Say: Johnny and I live here.

Don't say: I closed very quietly the door.
Say: I closed the door very quietly.

Don't say: You like talk to me?
Say: Would you like to talk to me?

Don't say: If I will be in London, I will contact to you.
Say: If I am in London, I will contact you.

Don't say: We drive usually to home.
Say: We usually drive home.

429 views16:48
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2022-06-18 16:14:37 Conversation
Big Auto Accident

364 views13:14
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2022-06-18 16:14:32

Big Auto Accident

ALICE: "Hi Mary. What's wrong?"
MARY: "Oh hi Alice. I just got back from the hospital.
ALICE: "Is something wrong?"
MARY: "My son was in an auto accident last night."
ALICE: "Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear that. Was he seriously injured?"
MARY: "Yes. He broke both of his legs and his ribs."
ALICE: "That's awful!"
MARY: "I know. He just got his driver's license a month ago."
ALICE: "How scary for him."
MARY: "It wasn't his fault though. He was hit by a drunk driver.
ALICE: "That's terrible!"
MARY: "I'm so angry about it! My son could've been killed by an irresponsible driver."
ALICE: "You're right! Did they catch the other driver? Was he or she injured?"
MARY: "Yeah, he was arrested. He wasn't injured.
ALICE: "Do you think he will go to jail?"
MARY: "I don't know. I'm just worried about my son right now."
ALICE: "Can I help you with anything?"
MARY: "Well, I just came home to get a change of clothes. I'm going to go back to the hospital soon. Would you be able to feed our cats tonight?"
ALICE: "Of course. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with."
MARY: "Thanks Alice."

سلام مری، چی شده؟
اوه سلام آلیس. همین چند لحظه پیش از بیمارستان برگشتم.
مشکلی پیش اومده؟
پسرم دیشب تو یه تصادف ماشین بود.
اوه عزیزم. از شنیدنش متأسفم. آیا به طور جدی آسیب دید؟
آره. هر دو پا و همینطور دنده هاش شکستند.
می دونم. گواهی نامه رانندگیش رو یه ماه پیش گرفته بود.
چقدر اتفاق ترسناکی براش بوده.
اما تقصیر پسرم نبود. با یه راننده مست تصادف کرد.
خیلی بابتش عصبانیم! امکان داشت پسرم توسط یه راننده بی مسئولیت کشته بشه.
راست می گی! آیا راننده دیگه رو گرفتند؟او هم آسیب دید؟
آره، دستگیر شد. آسیب ندیده بود.
گمان می کنی به زندان میره؟
نمی دونم. فقط در حال حاضر نگران پسرم هستم.
کمکی از دستم برمیاد برات بکنم؟
خوب، من اومدم خونه تا لباسامو عوض کنم. زودی به بیمارستان برخواهم گشت. می تونی امشب به گربه هامون غذا بدی؟
البته. اگه چیز دیگه ای هم هست که بتونم کمکی بکنم لطفاً بهم بگو.
ممنونم آلیس.

392 views13:14
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